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/weed/ - 420chan Refugee Camp
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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Dimebag Anon 23/03/27(Mon)05:41 No. 151

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170 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Dimebag Anon 24/06/30(Sun)01:15 No. 338

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Dimebag Anon 24/07/10(Wed)08:31 No. 339

File 172059311067.jpg - (22.36KB , 500x499 , tumblr_mbjtz2jTHn1r6w8wbo1_500.jpg )

Fifth a vodka, a fat fucking joint and an energy drink....
Is fucking stonerchan down? BWH

I+want+to+take+it+easy!ds8De64mpw 24/07/16(Tue)05:33 No. 340

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Dimebag Anon 24/07/16(Tue)19:48 No. 341

is that a cock?

Dimebag Anon 24/07/18(Thu)03:17 No. 342

Eating a vile concotion of AVB and yoghurt. Too much AVB, too little yoghurt, but I will soldier on.

I+want+to+take+it+easy!ds8De64mpw 24/07/18(Thu)07:28 No. 343

A benis


Dimebag Anon 24/07/19(Fri)02:49 No. 344

The remnants of this turned super fucking nasty in the fridge... still soldiering on.

Dimebag Anon 24/07/19(Fri)15:32 No. 345

It sounds horrific.

Dimebag Anon 24/07/24(Wed)03:04 No. 346

Kinda fucking high, going for a joint and the cops were right there in the hallway. Its NOT legal where I live. Just walked by and asked something the matter. Didn’t sound like someone complaining bout the smell but thank fucking god they didnt start harassing me

Dimebag Anon 24/07/26(Fri)03:27 No. 347

File 172195727111.gif - (485.19KB , 400x225 , 9080549e-7cbd-454d-9525-050116c6cfee_text.gif )

I'll have a blaze of legality for you tonight, bro.


Dimebag Anon 24/08/01(Thu)02:49 No. 348

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BWH. Good ol' Wedding Cake. Two bowls to the face.

I+want+to+take+it+easy!ds8De64mpw 24/08/04(Sun)08:32 No. 349


Dimebag Anon 24/08/06(Tue)02:57 No. 350

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Dimebag Anon 24/08/09(Fri)04:23 No. 351

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I bought some absolute ditch weed from the local dispensary, BW sort of H.

At first I was bothered by how incredibly weak it seems to be, but I've been reminding myself that it's also my fault for asking for shake from a dispensary in a super milquetoast neighborhood. It's kind of nostalgic though, reminds me of smoking my best friend's extraordinarily shitty weed on summer nights a couple years ago.

I've rolled it all up into a multitude of joints and packed them in a Marlboro box. I guess I'll roleplay as Snake and chainsmoke in weird locations for the next month or two until I get through it all, and then buy something that will actually do something to you when you smoke a full joint/bowl of it. I guess you LIVE AND LEARN

Dimebag Anon 24/08/09(Fri)06:27 No. 352

Why not bake it all into an edible and get wreked

Dimebag Anon 24/08/10(Sat)02:49 No. 353

>Drunk idea
>scrape the grinder for a bunch of good shit(kief and whatnot stuck on it)
>smoke it with regular tobacco
>somehow way fucking higher than I wanted to be when this drunk as well
Anyways BWH
Honestly that sounds super fun and comfy, like ripping the cocksuckers just for the hell of it. I should get shitty weed for cheap

Dimebag Anon 24/08/12(Mon)03:24 No. 354

Nice get.

Dimebag Anon 24/08/17(Sat)03:20 No. 355

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Blazed off a king joint of Blue Dream. BWH

Dimebag Anon 24/08/18(Sun)01:51 No. 356

Round 2 on the same shit. I think this might become a regular occurrence. But tbh I need some of that good shit to line up the grinder for trophies of said endeavours once again.
Anyways BWH this kief from the grinder aint no joke.

Dimebag Anon 24/08/18(Sun)05:46 No. 357

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The moon is orange tonight. BWH

Dimebag Anon 24/08/23(Fri)06:11 No. 358

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BWH with really dry eyes.

Dimebag Anon 24/08/30(Fri)20:36 No. 361

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Sending moist vibes, and dry eye treatments:

Dimebag Anon 24/09/02(Mon)23:44 No. 362

File 172531346560.gif - (796.10KB , 356x200 , 71JILYNISdcZXSTpuQc7_BEghBiKgOtLIC7yjCAfhz8.gif )

BWH They were delivering today after all.

Dimebag Anon 24/09/03(Tue)11:20 No. 363

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Come with us on now on a journey, through time and space

Dimebag Anon 24/09/10(Tue)05:33 No. 364

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BWH My husband landed a job at the dispensary.

Dimebag Anon 24/09/10(Tue)12:02 No. 365

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I gotta give up and apply at the dispo, I just don't think it'll pay enough to cover my student loans, let alone live off, tho.

Dimebag Anon 24/09/17(Tue)23:23 No. 366

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We live in a LCOL area with no kids so it's great for us.

Dimebag Anon 24/10/06(Sun)07:05 No. 367

BWH and /hooch/ simultaneously. I biked for an hour to go to a rave but the scene was so lame I didn't even go in. I rolled a SUBLIME joint to share with random hot people and now I feel utterly betrayed... I guess I'll smoke it myself after the return trip.

At least this late night food stand is cool. SLAYER is lurking everywhere just waiting for you to appreciate it, even when things go bad.

Stoner Snake 24/10/11(Fri)02:48 No. 368

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BWH in the middle of a virtuous mission... after satiating my munchies I will successfully bike 16 miles round-trip through a big city to go to a concert. Each way will be about an hour of riding, and if the edible I just took hits too hard this may get interesting fast.

I'll report in if/when I make it. Pray for me comrades

Stoner Snake 24/10/11(Fri)04:47 No. 369

Actually delivering--I made it and the vibes are great. My ass/legs are RAW but I have plenty of time to recover. B-ing Whilr H as fuck (but respectably so, I keep it secret agent when I'm in public).

I'll see what all I get into and submit my after action report to the war room after the mission concludes.

Dimebag Anon 24/10/12(Sat)19:22 No. 370

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The furthest I've ever biked was 13 miles round trip. The worst part was lugging my bike into the basement then climbing up to my third floor apartment afterward. :b

Dimebag Anon 24/10/16(Wed)23:53 No. 371

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Back at it again after a break. BWH peepz

Dimebag Anon 24/10/18(Fri)05:24 No. 372

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Glad to have you back, I reckon.

Dimebag Anon 24/10/19(Sat)20:38 No. 373

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Thanks. Been dealing with high BP and getting high was physically uncomfortable for a good while, but after getting meds and having a break, it feels much better now.

good deal Dimebag Anon 24/10/20(Sun)03:50 No. 374

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that's great personanon
be sure to vote for HarrisWalz

Dimebag Anon 24/10/20(Sun)03:55 No. 375

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Thanks bud. Not from the land of the free, but I would if I was.

Dimebag Anon 24/10/23(Wed)05:59 No. 377

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BWH and eating graham crackers.

Dimebag Anon 24/10/23(Wed)22:33 No. 378

Doesn't it astound you that in one of the few remaining places of free internet people would want to support mfs who'd spill blood to shut places like this down...

Dimebag Anon 24/10/27(Sun)02:48 No. 379

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The pic's for you.

As for everyone else, BWH. It's a crystal clear night, got blunted under the stars.

Dimebag Anon 24/11/01(Fri)00:04 No. 380

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Dimebag Anon 24/11/02(Sat)23:57 No. 381

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Dimebag Anon 24/11/02(Sat)23:59 No. 382

Aww, this thread auto-sages? That makes me sad.

Dimebag Anon 24/11/04(Mon)00:04 No. 383

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BWH to all my peples

rads!btr76hqMa6 24/11/04(Mon)00:53 No. 384

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BWH @ work

Dimebag Anon 24/11/07(Thu)23:39 No. 385

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BWH in a hell world.

Dimebag Anon 24/11/15(Fri)15:25 No. 386

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Dimebag Anon 24/11/15(Fri)23:13 No. 387

Great pun, awful product.

Dimebag Anon 24/11/19(Tue)10:54 No. 388

Bring back party mode with changing colors. Trippy.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/08(Sun)01:47 No. 802

Would love to have that back.

BWH, have some tunes

Dimebag Anon 24/12/19(Thu)16:14 No. 834

Recorded an entire christmas album last night, and there's absolutely nothing on the calendar today. I'm waking and baking like a MOTHERFUCKER!!


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