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/weed/ - 420chan Refugee Camp
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Dimebag Anon 24/07/07(Sun)02:42 No. 115

File 172031295977.gif - (150.96KB , 400x400 , tumblr_mxc462zkip1rfp0s4o1_400.gif )

Why do all edibles seem to be sweets? I stopped eating sugary stuff recently and noticed almost all the edible THC products my dispensary offers are sweet things, like cookie bars and syrups. The only savory edibles they have are CBD beef jerky. I don't even eat beef! I might have to bite the bullet and start trying to make my own weed cheesebread or something.

Dimebag Anon 24/07/09(Tue)16:45 No. 116

There's NOTHING stopping you from doing it yourself. Weed can go into oils, butters, sauces, fuckin anything if you brain good for a few minutes and figure a process out. Making weed chili oil is an experiment I want to try at some point

Dimebag Anon 24/07/17(Wed)13:09 No. 117

This. It is stupid easy the only hard part is growing a pair to use bigger amounts of weed at once, infact I wasted quite a bit because of this "on noes I'm gonna overheat it" just fucking ignore these qualms. I can offer an easy as fuck re ipe

Decarb some weed in a toaster oven or a regular one in your kitchen. First thing is to preheat to somewhere around 120-150 Celsius (not Fahrenheit Celsius) for a good few minutes. You don't need to grind up herb but you can if you want to be sure heat go through it, put your tray in the oven and leave in there for at least 15 mins but I go for 20 at 130-150. Don't worry if it doesn't come out brown that doesn't mean it's done wrong so let it cool and grab yourself some milk. Pour a little milk into a mug and put in the microwave for 1 minute but stopping every 15 seconds making sure not to scald the milk. Once it's piping hot throw your de arbed bud in the milk and let it cool then drink (you can screen out the bits of weed but I leave it in for full effect)

Dimebag Anon 24/07/19(Fri)01:18 No. 120

Make some weed butter, and some fine-ass homemade bread. Put the butter on the bread. Reach goddamn nirvana.

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