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Can a tank have wheels? Anon Kalashnikov 17/02/09(Thu)07:44 No. 15363

File 148662265848.jpg - (89.63KB , 800x570 , wheeled tank.jpg )

I'm arguing with my friend whether a tank can have wheels or not and what makes a tank a tank.

He's saying in order for a tank to be a tank it has to have a tracked chassis as the main determining factor.

I say it just determines on what its role is. As in a bulky armored vehicle.

I suppose this also goes into the argument of what differentiates a tank from an APC.

Also if a tank is simply determined by treads what about future prototype tanks that only have legs?

Tanks clearly can have more than just treads in my opinion but I suppose i'll let you guys argue about it.

http://www.strawpoll.me/12300143/ (embed)

Here's the strawpoll.

Anon Kalashnikov 18/06/08(Fri)04:27 No. 15429

What you have pictured is an armored car.

Anon Kalashnikov 18/12/17(Mon)16:59 No. 15464

your supposed tank w/ legs would not be tank

I'd call it a crawler or armored walker

Anon Kalashnikov 18/12/28(Fri)19:29 No. 15465

Convertible drives were utilized on tanks due to poor continuous track construction during WW2. Predominantly with tanks using Christie suspension. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christie_suspension

Anon Kalashnikov 19/01/27(Sun)03:28 No. 15469

Armored assault chassis were nicknamed "tanks" because the early models looked like big fluid tanks.

In other languages, they are usually called the equivalent of "assault chariot".

You are (probably) wrong Guy that knows stuff 19/02/26(Tue)01:06 No. 15474

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Tanks were made with tracks and the first armored vehicles that were called "tanks" were tracked.A "tank" with WHEELS would be called an armored car or SPG,And if the gun is big enough a Tank Destroyer,but certainly not a tank.

Anon Kalashnikov 19/07/30(Tue)20:35 No. 15490

Both Merriam Webster and Cambridge define a tank as requiring treads. You have to be careful with Cambridge's definition, since the wording is a little wonky.

Anon Kalashnikov 19/08/05(Mon)14:16 No. 15491

No, the tank is defined by the tracks, armor and cannon. The word for a vehicle with tracks but less armor and no cannon of a tank, is "armored fighting vehicle".

Anon Kalashnikov 22/08/24(Wed)12:29 No. 15639

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Tanks have tracks and a big gun

Anon Kalashnikov 22/08/24(Wed)22:12 No. 15640

The best tanks actually flies in the air. It's a flying gun.

Anon Kalashnikov 22/09/22(Thu)16:49 No. 15663

A10? It’s not a tank…

Anon Kalashnikov 22/09/22(Thu)17:08 No. 15664

You're right, it is a little honey bee.

Anon Kalashnikov 23/03/21(Tue)10:30 No. 15688

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No tanks.
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4996388/WWII-tank-photos-revealed-amazing-colour.html

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