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Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/03(Sun)00:43 No. 15258

File 145963700437.png - (118.67KB , 1024x1024 , 1024px-Apache_revolver_svg.png )

Why wasn't this design ever modernized?

I want one so bad; and these days we have much better manufacturing.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/03(Sun)00:50 No. 15259

File 14596374424.jpg - (1.52MB , 2000x1284 , Apache_revolver.jpg )

I'd really like to hear the sound a revolver with no barrel makes.

I'd set up a dummy in an alleyway to stab it in the chest and fire--the way this was meant to be fired.

><> 16/04/03(Sun)03:30 No. 15260

I believe it was never popular because of the tendency of the brass knuckles to break the hand of the user. Plus, lacking a barrel, the accuracy of it was comparable to a musket.
Also, just look at that 1-2 inch blade, it would be hard to do any real damage with the knife, especially through thick clothing. Would be better off with a real pistol and knife.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/03(Sun)10:10 No. 15261

I can see there would be downsides to the original design (apparently the ungaurded trigger was also a source of hazard in one's pocket). Nonetheless it looks rather intimidating, and range isn't really an issue--this weapon was designed for very close quarters.

I think the purpose of the knife would have been intimidation more than injury, or perhaps to ensure point-blank accuracy by embedding the weapon in the target.

A modern implementation of the original concept could do much better as a weapon for thugs, terrorists, and scrupulous detectives.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/03(Sun)17:26 No. 15265

It was nice things without a license.
I prefer umbrellas.
But they are not so common in modern fashion trends and impossible to sneak by.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/03(Sun)17:28 No. 15266

But a spiky piano wire can do much.
And it's quiet.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/03(Sun)17:29 No. 15267

A Swedish invention is a brass knuckles with the cartridge turned in between the striker and the skull.
Use glove!

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/04(Mon)04:13 No. 15268

If you're referring to the single-shot Sedgley OSS .38, or a gun of similar design, I understand the asthetic appeal but I find these weapons impractical for the purpose of stalking and mugging a victim: the gun being visible on the ouside of the glove, and the glove itself being rather obvious.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/04(Mon)04:14 No. 15269

Point taken. If your purpose is simple assasination, garroting might be a better option.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/06(Wed)18:27 No. 15271

What I am talking about is a fired cartridge without striker exist.
Weld a tube sleeve as a cartridge is loose in a weld bead at the bottom.
The ball is established between the knuckle and skull.
A cartridge dead! Can not be fired for stupid miss.
Zeros are speculating men acting!

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/06(Wed)18:35 No. 15272

Taking power means psychology advantage.
With a fist blows to his head away!
A cool man goes his way!

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