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Custom single-shot design That Guy 16/01/25(Mon)15:04 No. 15232

File 145373068276.png - (0.96MB , 1312x508 , CustomTiBreech.png )

Do we have any long-range enthusiasts here? I've looked into single-shot .50 BMG:s, and concluded most of them suck some major balls (from an engineering standpoint).

If they bother with a bullpup design, they use a full-length traditional bolt and end up with 2 pounds and 10 inches in "dead weight" anyways.

So, having dabbled in CNC machining, I said "fuck it" and decided to start designing my own. It's basically a scales-down PAK-38 design, with a sliding breech.

How does this compare accuracy-wise to traditional locking-lugs? I know there are some sliding breech safari-guns, but I don't have any data on accuracy. 1 MOA is my goal. Pic very related.

y tho? 17/09/11(Mon)14:18 No. 15386

looks good person from the distant past

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