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Mad Max Anon Kalashnikov 15/11/10(Tue)12:52 No. 15181

File 144715634366.jpg - (35.66KB , 385x477 , mad-max.jpg )

What is the gun mad max uses in the films?

Anon Kalashnikov 15/11/14(Sat)17:27 No. 15189

possibly a Savage/Stevens 311A Shotgun, but more likely a VG Bentley

Anon Kalashnikov 16/01/06(Wed)00:10 No. 15215



gun willystuff 18/05/05(Sat)18:32 No. 15426

Sawed-off VG Bentley Double-Barreled Shotgun

Anon Kalashnikov 18/05/06(Sun)15:58 No. 15427

A sawn off shotgun

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