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weird as fuck quiver archer 15/08/26(Wed)06:33 No. 15159

File 144056361494.jpg - (2.11MB , 2592x1936 , WP_20150826_001.jpg )

I've ordered this quiver, advertised as a hip quiver, has a buckle at the bottom that continues back around to the top to a slip joint looped by elastic. Question is, how the fuck do I put it on properly

Anon Kalashnikov 15/08/26(Wed)22:00 No. 15160

I fail to see why you cannot figure it out.

Over one shoulder, under the other, adjust strap length so it sits at 60 degrees across your back.

Anon Kalashnikov 22/08/27(Sat)10:14 No. 15645

File 16615880974.jpg - (244.67KB , 850x1435 , asept (7).jpg )

Are you an archer?

Anon Kalashnikov 22/09/28(Wed)14:12 No. 15665

File 166436715010.jpg - (136.00KB , 850x1162 , az33.jpg )

Loose the arrows!

Anon Kalashnikov 22/09/28(Wed)17:54 No. 15666

File 16643804402.jpg - (70.47KB , 887x596 , w45yu.jpg )

He is an Archerist
The Best

Anon Kalashnikov 22/11/13(Sun)01:17 No. 15673


hmmm... nice
Well I'm drinking and armed and the clock still says 2:22

Anon Kalashnikov 22/11/13(Sun)01:17 No. 15674

File 166829867527.jpg - (73.75KB , 768x1015 , 12 oz mouse drinking.jpg )


Anon Kalashnikov 22/11/13(Sun)01:53 No. 15675

I'd so love this. Ozmo was one of my favorite shows.

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