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AK Tread 5.45x54r!!AwBQp4L2Mv 15/05/01(Fri)23:48 No. 15140

File 143051689066.jpg - (1.25MB , 5533x2658 , draco2.jpg )

Acroth 15/08/27(Thu)00:26 No. 15161

We Swedes know the AK-47 as the enemy weapon when we in the Swedish Army had to learn to shoot.
I have alldrig personally kept in one copy, and may not speak on its performance.
We Swedish soldiers were taught to our mauser as we say AK4 meaning automatkarbin4.
Is better because it has recoil bolt without vapor recovery for better accuracy.
We hadde like NATO 7.62 or as you say 3.3 while the weapon was robust to have the cudgel when we complained about the weight.
Ak-47 was something that was dangerous but poor accuracy because their tactics were large cases where they shoot the leap attack.
Ak-47 magazine is protruding when crawling that we Swedes do from behind.

Anon Kalashnikov 15/08/29(Sat)22:36 No. 15162

We educate all men of military personnel in Sweden while women are volunteers.
Basic education is 7.5 months following comes after exercises in which each has its peculiar role when everyone will know what somm applies if there is a war.
But it is a people's army with uneducated boobs that control without proper control.
Many were in green clothes involuntarily and many did just that seven months would go fast and then become free.
Today, try Sweden silent oddities in the military when people got shit.
We have military doctors who may gämföras with a Nazi doctor who experimented on people.
And it goes a lot of rumors.

Anon Kalashnikov 15/08/29(Sat)22:44 No. 15163

Swedish military has no control anymore over their devices and organization.
It has become a public danger when the thieves have been in military areas.
Where there is spy equipment when they check us over internett.
Much because it is a regional policy of self-governing regions.
Today Sweden is a koruppt country where truth is silenced as the cold war.
Personally, I know about a lot but silenced in Swedish chan and that's why I'm here.

Anon Kalashnikov 15/08/29(Sat)23:44 No. 15164

File 144088466127.jpg - (15.64KB , 900x435 , ak4_ak5.jpg )

They here they are most common Swedish military weapons today.
Ak-5 has taken over from the old Ak-4 but they are in stock in large numbers.
Ak-4 was the gun I used, and the specimen was very worn.
I was aiming beside the blackboard to end up in goal.

Anon Kalashnikov 15/08/29(Sat)23:51 No. 15165

File 144088509666.jpg - (40.49KB , 900x474 , kpist45s_912.jpg )

Ak-4 gun was heavy and we called them the iron rod.
I was envious of our chefs as they carry on bag zipper-like weapon that was easy to carry.
But they never met the board when they shot over 50 meters.
They are called submachine gun means bullet sprute gun.
And uses 9mm amunition.

Anon Kalashnikov 15/08/29(Sat)23:58 No. 15166

File 144088550974.jpg - (47.48KB , 1024x711 , kpist45apartw.jpg )

K-piste huh uncomfortably weapons to hold that wobbled in his hands.
As the bolt was heavy and the weapon was small and light.
A freak in the Swedish arsenal and it played when they stretch The spring.
As the number of rounds a minute surged.

Anon Kalashnikov 15/08/30(Sun)02:18 No. 15167

File 144089388836.jpg - (20.20KB , 547x410 , tält.jpg )

We Swedish soldiers did not use the sleeping bag but used the cover coat.
But the tent had a stove where we fired with wood.
During the winter, it could be -35 degrees Celsius and it consumed much wood
These tents smelled like mixture of barn and burned down houses.
Stack into the middle holding up the tent and we fired so it shone red.
We were awake for an hour each night so the fire went out.
Fell asleep to fire the guard when the fire was extinguished then pulled all the others to him in the snow half naked.
I am Swedish, and we are not so well engilsk appealing.

Anon Kalashnikov 15/08/30(Sun)02:27 No. 15168

We were mostly in the classroom and read theories and facts when I was automotive repair.
Everything we practiced with was in poor condition when they have everything new in brought hidden.
In Sweden, we have paid the most taxes in the whole fucking world and goes to the military.
If we can, I want the whole damn Sweden goes to NATO but we are poorly trained.
We are tired of Swedish and as soon as I see a uniform, I want the helmet judgment.
Kill them!
Swedish vehicles and Swedish-made food and uniforms with the Swedish chef.
Damn soup!

Anon Kalashnikov 15/08/30(Sun)02:34 No. 15169

File 144089488610.jpg - (64.78KB , 653x489 , valp.jpg )

Today they sell off old well-used materials to cevila which is visible on the cevila registration plate.
The Swedish arm registration plate is black with yellow numbers.
So it's lucky to see the difference.
Otherwise, I have struck the man in the belief that it was my old command.
God I hate volvo!

Shit! Acroth Nilsson 15/09/01(Tue)19:56 No. 15170

Swedish defense today lacks organization.
I know that I'm still in the organization but I must not return my personal file even when I told about it.
Swedish departimentet of defense silences shit and I'm doomed to be military.
Which I deny.
Tiny little Sverker Göransson can not order and just want to look away.
To avenge the seven months of pain crapped myself in front of the car inspector at the final maneuver in order to make out for me and everyone else.
Where they got shit.

Anonymous Acroth Nilsson 15/09/09(Wed)18:53 No. 15171

I and many others did not return the personal file of the military and remain in their inventories probably as militrär in order to be able cencurera (silent)
We of person who knows too much is a danger to Sweden but I go to foreign journalists.
I have not been in military clothes over twenty years and have been persecuted.
So I have been anonymous for many years and smuggled out my words.

Acroth Nilsson 15/09/10(Thu)04:45 No. 15172

File 144185315629.jpg - (15.25KB , 900x411 , ksp58_1.jpg )

We also practiced with the KSP-58, which was fun.
Tracers with about 350m in the middle of the night that bounced between the treetops with the white snow in the background.
Really romantic as earplugs to plant firmly in ear wax.
the moon shone and the balls vein!
Cartridge Belts and fucking boxes rattling with shell casings in the snow.
Soak knees and blisters in the hands of swearing officers with bad breath over my head.
We were not allowed to participate and to clean all the weapons but I sneaked into the weapons smithy.
And the right thing arms with something similar to a crankshaft of aluminum behind the bolt that I did not get to do at all.
Have any such picture, I would be satisfied.
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Vi övade också med ksp-58 vilket var kul.
Spårljus med ca 350m mitt i natten som studsade mellan grantopparna med den vita snön i bakgrunden.
Riktigt romantiskt då hörselpropparna växt fast i öronvaxet.
månen sken och kulorna ven!
Patronbälten och jävla lådor med skrammel med tomhylsor i snön.
Blöt om knäna och brännblåsor i händerna med svärande befäl med dålig andedräkt över mitt huvud.
Vi fick inte vara med och göra rent alla vapen men jag smög mig in i vapensmedjan.
Och det va nåt vapen med nåt som liknade en vevaxel i aluminium bakom slutstycket som jag inte fick med att göra alls.
Har någon sådan bild vore jag nöjd.Definitions of Vi övade också med ksp-58 vilket var kul.
Spårljus med ca 350m mitt i natten som studsade mellan grantopparna med den vita snön i bakgrunden.
Riktigt romantiskt då hörselpropparna växt fast i öronvaxet.
månen sken och kulorna ven!
Patronbälten och jävla lådor med skrammel med tomhylsor i snön.
Blöt om knäna och brännblåsor i händerna med svärande befäl med dålig andedräkt över mitt huvud.
Vi fick inte vara med och göra rent alla vapen men jag smög mig in i vapensmedjan.
Och det va nåt vapen med nåt som liknade en vevaxel i aluminium bakom slutstycket som jag inte fick med att göra alls.
Har någon sådan bild vore jag nöjd.Synonyms of Vi övade också med ksp-58 vilket var kul.
Spårljus med ca 350m mitt i natten som studsade mellan grantopparna med den vita snön i bakgrunden.
Riktigt romantiskt då hörselpropparna växt fast i öronvaxet.
månen sken och kulorna ven!
Patronbälten och jävla lådor med skrammel med tomhylsor i snön.
Blöt om knäna och brännblåsor i händerna med svärande befäl med dålig andedräkt över mitt huvud.
Vi fick inte vara med och göra rent alla vapen men jag smög mig in i vapensmedjan.
Och det va nåt vapen med nåt som liknade en vevaxel i aluminium bakom slutstycket som jag inte fick med att göra alls.
Har någon sådan bild vore jag nöjd.Examples of Vi övade också med ksp-58 vilket var kul.
Spårljus med ca 350m mitt i natten som studsade mellan grantopparna med den vita snön i bakgrunden.
Riktigt romantiskt då hörselpropparna växt fast i öronvaxet.
månen sken och kulorna ven!
Patronbälten och jävla lådor med skrammel med tomhylsor i snön.
Blöt om knäna och brännblåsor i händerna med svärande befäl med dålig andedräkt över mitt huvud.
Vi fick inte vara med och göra rent alla vapen men jag smög mig in i vapensmedjan.
Och det va nåt vapen med nåt som liknade en vevaxel i aluminium bakom slutstycket som jag inte fick med att göra alls.
Har någon sådan bild vore jag nöjd.See alsovi har, vi är, vi hade, vi ska, vi själva, vi borde Translations of Vi övade också med ksp-58 vilket var kul.
Spårljus med ca 350m mitt i natten som studsade mellan grantopparna med den vita snön i bakgrunden.
Riktigt romantiskt då hörselpropparna växt fast i öronvaxet.
månen sken och kulorna ven!
Patronbälten och jävla lådor med skrammel med tomhylsor i snön.
Blöt om knäna och brännblåsor i händerna med svärande befäl med dålig andedräkt över mitt huvud.
Vi fick inte vara med och göra rent alla vapen men jag smög mig in i vapensmedjan.
Och det va nåt vapen med nåt som liknade en vevaxel i aluminium bakom slutstycket som jag inte fick med att göra alls.
Har någon sådan bild vore jag nöjd.pronoun
we vi, man
ourselves oss själva, vi själva, vi
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sorry with the translate! above. Acroth+Nilsson 15/09/10(Thu)04:47 No. 15173

We also practiced with the KSP-58, which was fun.
Tracers with about 350m in the middle of the night that bounced between the treetops with the white snow in the background.
Really romantic as earplugs to plant firmly in ear wax.
the moon shone and the balls vein!
Cartridge Belts and fucking boxes rattling with shell casings in the snow.
Soak knees and blisters in the hands of swearing officers with bad breath over my head.
We were not allowed to participate and to clean all the weapons but I sneaked into the weapons smithy.
And the right thing arms with something similar to a crankshaft of aluminum behind the bolt that I did not get to do at all.
Have any such picture, I would be satisfied.

Sweden Anonymous militarey 15/11/11(Wed)19:52 No. 15182

Swedish military tortured their recruits with their own doctor.
Which has three crowns as a symbol.
Tvångsinjeceringar like myself know about and certainly other methods when the man is a subject.
With numbers instead of names you become one with Swedish coercion.
But there are those who dare to speak and I'm one of them.
As Sweden is an open society.
Even today, act three crowns doctor.

Anonymous+militarey 15/11/11(Wed)19:53 No. 15183

Swedish military tortured their recruits with their own doctor.
Which has three crowns as a symbol.
Tvångsinjeceringar like myself know about and certainly other methods when the man is a subject.
With numbers instead of names you become one with Swedish coercion.
But there are those who dare to speak and I'm one of them.
As Sweden is an open society.
Even today, act three crowns doctor.

Anonymous+militarey 15/11/11(Wed)19:58 No. 15184

Much I have written online is deleted on the Swedish domain SE.
And the Swedish news silenced.

Anonymous+militarey 15/11/11(Wed)20:06 No. 15185

Injections of coercion without the person in question would know the purpose.
Then lied to them.

Anonymous+militarey 15/11/11(Wed)20:32 No. 15186

All secret operations they have in the hidden underground.
And it's arteses.
Weapon conducted. healthcare. roads and all.
Even under false red cross.

Anonymous+militarey 15/11/11(Wed)20:47 No. 15187

I was myself Arteses after my military training but refused to be there.
Something we did not choose for themselves.
Aware of the lack of organization I ignored in the Swedish military.
But I was left in the registry military.
I am fully aware that Sweden have killed me personally if they knew the middle of the go information.
Justice murder. Used today.

Anonymous+militarey 15/11/11(Wed)20:58 No. 15188

They control the Internet and telephone from Artesis.
Bugging censoring from different locations.
With poor organization.

Anonymous militare 15/11/20(Fri)14:12 No. 15190

There are burglaries in arteses police can not be there.
In arteses is the Emergency Law or the law of war applies.
Anyone who reigns in arteses reigns.
It's a secret.

Anonymous+militare 15/11/20(Fri)14:15 No. 15191

There are canned canned food and canned ammunition.
Everything is preserved in arteses even tanks.
Swedish tank S.

Anonymous+militare 15/11/20(Fri)14:18 No. 15192

A Swedish arteses soldier is the caretaker who guard their area.
But the organization in Sweden has failed.
Even today, the Swedish three crowns doctors secretly care arteses.
I hold in the judgment.

Anonymous+militare 15/11/20(Fri)14:23 No. 15193

Sweden has compulsory part of recruits and then have these three crowns doctors secretly nurture them further so no secrets to arrive.
Horror Doctors.
My experience is not going to the military arteses on the instructions of, or to be unarmed.

Acroth Nilsson 15/11/23(Mon)10:32 No. 15194

File 144827112052.jpg - (161.59KB , 400x573 , fra domäner.jpg )

Sweden has many military regions on the map that is not known.
Defence management in Sweden have slackened with the interest to have transparency in these regions.
Each region has its headquarters and a spy center.
If Sweden ended the war has supreme command moved around without being seen.
For Sweden is a large country with a small population and lose arial depending on tactics and output.
Each spy unit keeps track of its region.
FRA are they spying in Sweden.
But in Falun put the wrong people and spying, and there were people in the Ericsson company.

Acroth+Nilsson 15/11/23(Mon)10:44 No. 15195

File 144827184858.jpg - (3.30KB , 150x50 , ericsson.jpg )

I know this because I worked in the factory on top of Arteses where they sit.
The factory has been owned by Ericsson and they had other interests than commercial.
Political sphere within Ericsson were the religious Christian Democratic.
The company wanted cencurera our employees on internett and it came up the text!
Ericsson access denied.
Arbitrary cencurering which says that Ericsson is not allowed while ericsson logo was on the same message.
Ericsson is a sick company with inculcation slogans.
Ericsson will take you forward.

Acroth+Nilsson 15/11/23(Mon)10:52 No. 15196

During the cable factory in Falun where dangerous Artesis are ruled false religious with a sect.
The sect has killed people and embezzling money.
While the Swedish defense enlists three crowns doctors and chasing old recruits who are working as factory workers.
All the while the people were looking for Acroth Nilsson, who was anonymous.
The company and the Swedish defense got the eyes of all.
Acroth Nilsson's me!

Acroth+Nilsson 15/11/23(Mon)11:00 No. 15197

File 144827285913.jpg - (133.89KB , 400x600 , anonymous tiger.jpg )

For the Americans wanted to take back my domain.
And then ignored them in everything they saw on Sweden.
But it was Sweden who stole my old blue yahoo email I have had since 1998.
And that was when I made an international stage on servers other than those Swedish servers.
Little transparency in Sweden and we are taking a number of fools.
Sweden is an old regime.
We are a legion.

Acroth+Nilsson 15/11/23(Mon)11:11 No. 15198

Swedish defense management knows about everything when I got anger the king and the entire hell.
But they are unable to confront me when I know too much.
Therefore they persecute me and terrorizing.
An exciting life!

Acroth Nilsson 15/11/23(Mon)17:26 No. 15199

Swedish military lack the knowledge and authority.
That's because the wages are poor, and the hierarchy is arbitrary and unfounded.
There has always been a dishonor to be military in Sweden when the regime lacks loyalty.
As the military is one oppressor for the people and you become discredited.
I remained in military records and was never free.
Swedish defense staff knows about my case but refuses to hand over my papers.
So they beg that I visit them but they know it will be their own death.
Sverker Göransson are not literate then he is a mere fool like all other Swedish military.

Acroth+Nilsson 15/11/23(Mon)17:29 No. 15200

File 144829616856.jpg - (43.26KB , 550x591 , yrpanna.jpg )

We can make clone of the Swedish king and show party in the Swedish court.

Acroth+Nilsson 15/11/23(Mon)17:40 No. 15201

The moral of my story is that!
If Sweden fake registering as a Swedish military can I fake to register as General abroad.
Acroth Nilsson was not there when he had no shoes.
When he was barefoot Major !!!
I wished that I had met and shaken hands with Mr. Swartskoff!
He was sharp and hadde authority.

Acroth Nilsson 15/11/25(Wed)22:50 No. 15202

Sweden is no real leadership in the Swedish army.
Twisted minds who are uneducated and unable to take the impression.
Sweden dies every hour financially because of ignorance.
Swedish defense staff is totally unable to take a position on an issue without a woman.
Then it's their wives who give orders at breakfast.

Acroth+Nilsson 15/11/25(Wed)22:55 No. 15203

Sweden is a smorgasbord of an invasion army when all weapons are hidden without transparency and organization.

Acroth Nilsson Blog 15/12/06(Sun)19:11 No. 15205

Sweden is the arbitrariness of land without proper manual called the Law.
Sweden is a country where collaboration and conversation reigns.
While people are afraid to talk.
Which means that all authorities and lawsuits going in slow motion.
Which means they are written off after a period of time with the press riber insertion law.
Everything silenced a time of investigation only on paper since shitting man in everything.
To hell with it all means that the paper of crap does not take in.
And an expression that matches with Sweden is that things and everything runs out of steam.
So just knowing the right and act right after Sweden's unwritten laws.
Then the written law stinks of shit.
So we have seen in arteses.

Acroth+Nilsson+Blog 15/12/06(Sun)19:25 No. 15206

They scout me hacker while they were close to me.
I did not do wrong while the Swedish FRA in arteses wanted to take my Yahoo!
Then they talked with me at all.
And I looked at them and smiled.
And did not say a word!
And the talk went far and wide just I was not present.
Then they searched me online, I worked in the factory above their heads and eavesdropping on them.
I was free and cold on my own domain.

Acroth Nilssons blogg. 15/12/08(Tue)21:11 No. 15207

I have spoken clearly that I am not a Swedish military for the Swedish Defence Staff.
But they can not even contact me when they know where I am.
My military grade did I not in the hands of the Swedish defense.
Which means that I am still in military records as a military.

Acroth+Nilssons+blogg. 15/12/08(Tue)21:14 No. 15208

The local military leaders do not dare knock on doors with errands.
So the region I live in a chaos.
Dalarna is controlled by the mafia.

Acroth+Nilssons+blogg. 15/12/08(Tue)21:17 No. 15209

Dalarna district court is corrupt, and police are following the local board.
municipalities have too much power, while Stockholm hiding in fear of terror.

Anon Kalashnikov 15/12/22(Tue)20:20 No. 15212


Today chasing its doctors to their patients because of old cencurering as torture and illegal practices come to light.
These doctors are hiding and working in arteses.
In Stealth choose them his patient and persecute them.
I myself have been in the car chase with fools.
I personally have revenge.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/01/11(Mon)20:33 No. 15222

It is dangerous to criticize power in Sweden.
Power is the political parties and the police and military.
People in kunggörelsen is marked with a crown or something in the police records.
And supposed to be a symbol of power and more rights.
Kunggörelsen meant the military police or the Swedish court.
Sweden marks the people with what they are.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/01/11(Mon)20:40 No. 15223

Personally, I have been sitting in prison without trial and without any criminal investigation while there is no compensation.
Without explanation.
Sweden has political prisoners.

General shit talk! Acroth Nilsson 16/01/12(Tue)23:16 No. 15227

File 145263698724.jpg - (15.37KB , 600x415 , sverige_o_nato_jpg_131601d.jpg )

Sweden is a strange thing in most places and people hate the Swedish military duty.
If Sweden had ethics and transparency, it would be different.
NATO membership for the entire nation would be preferable.
Sweden is a shit country that can not control themselves.

General information. Acroth+Nilsson 16/01/12(Tue)23:23 No. 15228

In Sweden, we have the right to roam in the forest and nature.
We lack organization in the Swedish defense, so it is right to roam even in Arteses!
It is allowed to do what you want just no one's looking.
And seeing them on, no to mention the word areteses for it is a forbidden word.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/01/12(Tue)23:57 No. 15229


you sound like a spambot.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/01/22(Fri)20:21 No. 15230


I'm not a spambot but American imperialism.
With a strange accent.
Born in the wrong place and make the revolution.
Try and say something sensible to fatten Americans and kills Sweden.

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