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Improvised Weapons Anon Kalashnikov 14/08/28(Thu)04:45 No. 15019

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Improvised weapons thread, for the happening.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/08/28(Thu)15:17 No. 15020

I would say M16

Anon Kalashnikov 14/09/03(Wed)02:22 No. 15025

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Anon Kalashnikov 14/09/19(Fri)04:21 No. 15036

I'm sure a guy with decent strength can take off someone's arm with that bitch.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/09/20(Sat)01:50 No. 15038

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I've always fancied one of these being handy as a concealed weapon, especially if sharpened.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/10/03(Fri)22:47 No. 15043

Maybe in one stroke, but a brutal hacking weapon like this? Get in two or three good hits to an upper arm and you could probably get it off. More if you've got to get through a particularly beefy specimen, but by that point the arm is effectively destroyed anyway.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/10/05(Sun)05:25 No. 15045

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Anon 14/10/19(Sun)01:25 No. 15055

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Plastic tube + Chain + Ducktape = Chain Whip.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/10/19(Sun)02:19 No. 15056

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Wow, this is the kind of thread /zom/ would need!

BillyOcean 14/11/30(Sun)05:56 No. 15086

A good bandana looped through a padlock is probably one of the best that you can carry realistically. If you had to dismantle it to two different mundane items just pull one side of the bandana. Voila.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/12/03(Wed)20:33 No. 15087

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A dildo would be a better choice, get yourself a nice oversized one, the rigid ones can double as a club and if the police catch you with one in your backpack/paper bag they're not going to ask questions. It also provides the initiative in combat while you're opponent does a double-take.


“Harry didn’t think that he did a very good job, so he grabbed the nearest thing to hand, which just so happened to be a 15 inch black rubber cock, and proceeded to beat poor old Smithy to death with.”

Anon Kalashnikov 14/12/03(Wed)20:34 No. 15088


BillyOcean 14/12/04(Thu)20:47 No. 15089

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Anon Kalashnikov 14/12/12(Fri)22:11 No. 15101

Is that supposed to be a macuahuitl?

Anon Kalashnikov 15/01/16(Fri)16:40 No. 15112

Sure looks like it, I thought the same.
From the descriptions it sounded like a great weapon. Easy to repair and produce, the obsidian shards had molecule-thin edges, meaning they were hella fucking sharp!
It's the swordbat of my people, and I'd be honored to use one.

Anon Kalashnikov 15/04/30(Thu)08:50 No. 15138

Not an improvised weapon.

Yes, it can cut off a limb, if going through the joint. There are Spanish reports of their soldiers having the heads of their horses cut off by them on occasion.

The issue is that their blades shatter when hitting steel armor, rendering them sticks afterwards. Though, the one in the picture, albeit pretty, does not look properly made. These are fucking swords, not clubs with blades on them. I've seen the drawings of the originals' and some of the moves... Not a damned baseball bat.

On topic... Put a rock in a sock, or get a pointy stick. An improvised weapon is a temporary measure. I can kill a dozen people with a pen or two in under two minutes if they don't flee... But I'd rather have a nice piece of steel. Understand?

Dr. Jappo 15/05/14(Thu)06:54 No. 15143


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