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Favorite Rail Systems? Anon Kalashnikov 14/05/09(Fri)18:35 No. 14960

File 139965335140.jpg - (232.43KB , 800x600 , MK18.jpg )

It would be cool to see what everyone thinks. Personally, I love the DD Mk18 licensed rails, but some may think they are fairly boring.

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Anon Kalashnikov 14/07/13(Sun)21:01 No. 14982

I like the mag, grip and foregrip. The stock looks ugly.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/07/20(Sun)10:11 No. 14985

Stock is ugly as fuck. I don't mind attachments, but I don't like the "tacticool" shit like laser attachments and flashlights. Shit is so pointless. What optic is that?

Anon Kalashnikov 14/07/25(Fri)07:21 No. 14994

flashlight is a must have on a home defense gun, but otherwise it is kinda pointless

Anon Kalashnikov 14/08/28(Thu)21:17 No. 15021

I would never use a carbine for home defense unless I also felt like shooting my TV, two walls and the neighbor. Any 5.56 or 7.62 would go right through someone.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/08/30(Sat)15:03 No. 15023

Use blanks.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/09/01(Mon)07:18 No. 15024

Yeah, I was thinking some 5.56 or .223 varmint rounds or something, but that too.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/12/13(Tue)20:13 No. 15356

5.56 is the best round for home defense especially if you use xm193 ball rounds. A miss from a shotgun or pistol will go all the way through your house. A miss from a green tip stops at the first piece of hard wood.

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