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i wanna kill some fucking cans Anon Kalashnikov 14/03/22(Sat)01:23 No. 14933

File 139544783664.jpg - (570.74KB , 1440x900 , pewpewpew!.jpg )

well hello there! im thinking of buying a gun in dos weekos (handgun) this will be my first handgun and was looking for some suggestions/ answers to a few questions i have.
A.) what are your suggestions for a first gun. im about 150lbs and 5'9 (in b4 manlet. also im trying to spend less than 500 bucks (is it worth it to get a gun for that cheap)
B.) how impractical is it to buy a revolver (that what i want and also how dumb is it to buy something larger than a 9mm i.e .38 or .40 (i am buying this for home/self defense as well as because its fun as fuck to shoot things in my back yard.)
c.) i will be buying this in my homestate (but not where i live currently) my home has almost no gun laws so i can walk in and walk out with whatever semi auto i want as long as i am over 18.. which i am. with this in mind whats the deal with guns going over state lines (i know i can look thsi up but while i have you...) ill be buying it in vermont and then heading back to ny. i do eventually plan on getting a license to conceal and carry.
thanks or fuck you...which ever is pertinent to your reply.
pic related... its the gun i want but obv wont buy

PONY!zomGDeAgLE 14/03/22(Sat)08:37 No. 14934

If I had a single round of CCI minimag for every time I've seen this question, I'd have enough to trade for a Noveske at current secondary market prices.

Come back when you've read through this -

PONY!zomGDeAgLE 14/03/22(Sat)23:35 No. 14935

This too while you're at it -

Anon Kalashnikov 14/03/24(Mon)03:13 No. 14940

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thanks, bud!

Anon Kalashnikov 22/08/27(Sat)10:12 No. 15644

Praise the lord and pass the ammunition

Anon Kalashnikov 22/08/27(Sat)10:46 No. 15646

buy a glock

Anon Kalashnikov 22/09/07(Wed)12:33 No. 15659

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Get a nice, simple, low-powered pistol.

Anon Kalashnikov 25/01/06(Mon)21:46 No. 15753


op you mentioned you plan to go to ny.
NO OFFENSE BUT THENTIRE STATE OF NEW YORK MAKES IT ILLEGAL TO TRANSPORT A WEAPON IN YOUR CAR PERIOD and as I remember getting a license there, atleast in ny city is gonna be no chance unless you are a cop, or are basically orally attached in a deep throating fashion to the local police's manhoods. no offense but it is a blue state. move somewhere that is not a commie shithole if you want to actually practice your rights

Anon Kalashnikov 25/01/06(Mon)22:08 No. 15754

my brother in christ, that post was from over a decade ago.

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