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Zed!ZF41dz6F/Y 12/10/13(Sat)22:01 No. 14294

File 135015846957.jpg - (200.51KB , 1152x672 , Finished restoration1.jpg )

Hey guys, what do you think of .303?

Anon Kalashnikov 12/10/13(Sat)22:02 No. 14295

shit caliber.

Anon Kalashnikov 12/10/13(Sat)22:02 No. 14296

It sucks, you suck, you're in a suckiness vacuum, sucky black hole thread right here

Zed!ZF41dz6F/Y 12/10/13(Sat)22:03 No. 14297

File 135015862132.jpg - (206.22KB , 1152x776 , Finished Endcap.jpg )

How can you not like the most successful rimmed centerfire cartridge ever made?

Tsuhna 12/10/14(Sun)01:34 No. 14298

what about 7.62x53mmR? 53r with D166 -bullet has been said to be the best rifle cartridge of the WWII, and it's still in production for both military as well as civilian use.

Anon Kalashnikov 12/10/19(Fri)09:37 No. 14307

You sure that's not X54r?

Anon Kalashnikov 12/10/19(Fri)09:45 No. 14308


Anon Kalashnikov 12/10/19(Fri)09:47 No. 14309


Tsuhna 12/10/20(Sat)10:27 No. 14311

7.62x53r is Finnish variation of the Russian 54r, some say they are one cartridge, but cartridges with D166 -bullet are all marked 53r

BUTTES 12/10/26(Fri)07:14 No. 14319

File 135122848819.jpg - (14.92KB , 563x335 , 1295909530843.jpg )

>Hey maybe I'll go browse 7chan.

>first fucking thread I see is Zed.

Anon Kalashnikov 12/10/28(Sun)23:56 No. 14321

Leave it to Zed to ruin not one weapons boards, but many.

BUTTES 12/10/30(Tue)02:38 No. 14325

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Do you really buy into that "Anonimuss is leejun" bullshit that those 14 year olds spout?

I mean, really?

Anon Kalashnikov 12/10/30(Tue)06:53 No. 14326

I am sad to see that the eternal thirst for attention that zed has is causing him to post here.

Zed!ZF41dz6F/Y 13/10/09(Wed)19:59 No. 14803

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Why is this board so slow anyway? I posted this thread nearly a year ago!

Anon Kalashnikov 13/10/09(Wed)20:08 No. 14804

Because 7chan is dead but they won't admit it.

Anon Kalashnikov 13/10/12(Sat)11:03 No. 14814

horse cocks

Anon Kalashnikov 13/11/02(Sat)11:55 No. 14818

Check my 16 niqqa

Anon Kalashnikov 13/11/05(Tue)00:16 No. 14821

How long has it been dead for?

Anon Kalashnikov 14/03/27(Thu)03:25 No. 14943

File 139588713447.gif - (280.25KB , 1170x639 , 1392517087130.gif )

Fucking trip post here too zed?
What /k/ get sick of you faggotry?
By the way I want to make this, or perhaps buy it.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/03/27(Thu)03:54 No. 14944

Way off topic. What does that have to do with what they said, at all?

Anon Kalashnikov 14/03/27(Thu)03:54 No. 14945

It's not "dead" or no one would post. It just doesn't get huge amounts of traffic, which is a good thing.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/06/09(Mon)09:45 No. 14966

There's no escaping him, is there? Just when I thought I'd have a nice peaceful vacation from /k/ but nupe

Anon Kalashnikov 14/07/25(Fri)07:33 No. 14995

>doesn't talk shit about things he doesn't understand like hunter21actual
>isn't a massive sperging asshole like thatguy
>doesn't have an annoying(to some) gag like chesnokov
>isn't a wealth-flaunting richfag
>isn't obvious underage cawadooty
why the fuck does everyone hate zed?

Anon Kalashnikov 14/07/25(Fri)07:34 No. 14996

forgot, .303 is an underpowered blackpowder legacy cartridge, but the SMLE platform is pretty damn sexy

Anon Kalashnikov 14/08/03(Sun)10:07 No. 15007

Because Zed's whole point is pissing autists off for personal gain.
Example: Threads where the OP is "how good is x" rarely have the info or sheer amount of posts as Zed's "x is shit" threads

Anon Kalashnikov 14/08/26(Tue)21:10 No. 15018

We hate tripfags generially, especially those who are as obnoxious as Zed.

Anon Kalashnikov 14/10/29(Wed)01:46 No. 15061

that is one sexy lee enfield

Skunkape 15/01/03(Sat)09:28 No. 15108

>First time to 7chan
>First poster is ZED.
Seriously, what in the fuck

Anon Kalashnikov 15/12/10(Thu)03:04 No. 15211

isn't being a faggot on 4/k/ enough for you zed

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