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/w/ - Weapons
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Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/09(Thu)02:16 No. 13842

File 132875021923.jpg - (36.54KB , 500x400 , radioactive_warning_symbol.jpg )

yo /w/

anyone out there know much about chemical weapons?
what chemical weapons have been used most?
what is the most effective chemical weapon?
are there any chemical weapons still in use around the world?

your insight is much appreciated.

Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/09(Thu)07:53 No. 13844

Most used was mustard in WWI

Iran and Nam have tons
Don't believe Judge Russia's lies.
The US most likely has a buttload too.

They're a horrible thing, you should be asking. Your curiosity alone shows what a despicable person you are IRL. Enjoy having no friends or relationships you angsty skinny racist twat.

Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/09(Thu)09:02 No. 13846


Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/16(Thu)16:10 No. 13875

> what is the most effective chemical weapon?

I'm not sure what the most effective is, but the most lethal should be VX:

Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/16(Thu)17:43 No. 13876

There's a comprehensive guide to chemical warfare and the creation of chemweapons on the nets that contains 2000 pages. Same thing for bio warfare.

I have it somewhere but to lazy to search. The title can be found somewhere on silkroad in a bundle of ebooks. No need to pay for it tough just find the title and paste it on google.

Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/20(Mon)06:16 No. 13881

our initial chemical weapon was chlorine gas. Mainly in WWI, afterwards, chemical weapons are banned par the Geneva Convention. Today, chlorine remains a minimal threat, mainly a easy hazmat clean up. Not much, but you got a quick history lesson

Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/23(Thu)13:14 No. 13886

supposedly the soviets developed a nerve agent called novichok that was 5 times deadlier than VX.

probably a cold war, penis contest hoax though

Anon Kalashnikov 12/12/05(Wed)19:17 No. 14388


>They're a horrible thing, you should be asking. Your curiosity alone shows what a despicable person you are IRL. Enjoy having no friends or relationships you angsty skinny racist twat.

like everybody on /W/ in fact

Anon Kalashnikov 12/12/16(Sun)06:48 No. 14421

>what is the most effective chemical weapon?


you will need a high end lab Bürger 16/03/15(Tue)02:58 No. 15256

if you want to produce industrial quality nerve gaz you will need a chem lab and at least 2 years of serious studies . do not try to produce sarin or such stuff in your celler or garage ; without a prof. equipment you can poison yourself . check breaking bad lad on a smaller scale ; security cloths and vent evacuation is important

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/03(Sun)17:01 No. 15263

It is rumored a lot of shit in Sweden.
People crawling in radioactive powder and practiced decontamination.
Personally, I have not done these exercises, but it was fun to roll in the snow and huddle in napalm.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/03(Sun)17:13 No. 15264

I can point out more that I heard talk among the officers.
We bury the containers in the sand pit where it is dry and pour over tar so they do not rust.
Headaches that some command is facing to GRAFT away strange exercises.
Today I want to thank you!

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