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favorites thread Anon Kalashnikov 11/01/22(Sat)07:02 No. 11385

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biological weapon:
rocket/grenade launcher:
rifle cartridge:
pistol cartridge:
gun manufacturer:

95 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
mortal1ty 12/01/15(Sun)09:58 No. 13750

regular/semi-automatic rifle: M39 "Ukko-Pekka" bolt-action rifle or SKS semi-automatic carbine.

Anon Kalashnikov 12/01/16(Mon)02:27 No. 13755

Sure is CoD in here

Anon Kalashnikov 12/01/20(Fri)00:35 No. 13774

rifle: AKS-103M
SMG: They all suck.
Shotgun: Sporting Purpose Automatic Shotgun-12 gauge(SPAS12)
Pistol: Colt M1911A1
Biological Weapons: A contagious version of SuperAIDS
Rocket: RPG-26V3
Rifle cartridge:7.62x54mmR Rimmed Russian
Pistol Cartridge: .41 Magnum
Manufacturer: Izhmash

mortal1ty 12/01/20(Fri)13:32 No. 13777

correction; the 7.62x39mm cartridge is named M43 instead of M39, that's the designation to a completely different thing.

smith & wesson 44 caliber mod #11385 Delmer Bowman 12/02/01(Wed)01:48 No. 13802

When was the smith & wesson 44 caliber revolver model 11385 made

Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/01(Wed)21:06 No. 13803

rifle: K-31
MG: Never fired an HMG or LMG, but the M1919 Browning is a really fun gun
shotgun: Remington Model 12
pistol: Glock 22
biological weapon: op is really really dumb
rocket/grenade launcher: M7 RGL
rifle cartridge: .270 Winchester
pistol cartridge: .40 S&W
gun manufacturer: Herstal Group

Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/08(Wed)15:44 No. 13841

SMG:Villar-Perosa aircraft submachine gun
MG: Vickers machine gun
shotgun: Blunderbuss
pistol:Mauser C96
biological weapon:Agent Orange
rocket/grenade launcher:Glocks
rifle cartridge:7.62mm
pistol cartridge:.51 caliber
gun manufacturer:?

Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/11(Sat)23:45 No. 13851

rifle: M-16
MG: M2 Browning
shotgun: Kel-Tec KSG (double barrel pump action)
pistol: Glock
biological weapon: IDK
rocket/grenade launcher: MK-19
rifle cartridge:55.6
pistol cartridge: 9mm
gun manufacturer: IDK

Anon Kalashnikov 12/02/14(Tue)03:25 No. 13862

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rifle: My 2001 Romanian SAR-1 (7.62mm AKM)
SMG: Arsenal Inc. SLR-107UR SBR(7.62mm "Krinkov")
MG: 7.62mm RPK-M
shotgun: Saiga 12
pistol: My 4" Ruger Redhawk .44MAG :D see pic
biological weapon: Socks and Farts
rocket/grenade launcher: China Lake
rifle cartridge: 7.62x39mm
pistol cartridge: 9mm luger
gun manufacturer: Russia :D

Anon Kalashnikov 12/03/01(Thu)05:56 No. 13900

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rifle: AR-15 in .223/5.56
MG: FN MAG or derivative
shotgun: Remington 1100
pistol: S&W Model 19
biological weapon: six pack of PBR tallboys
rocket/grenade launcher:
rifle cartridge: 5.56x45
pistol cartridge: .357 Magnum
gun manufacturer:

Anon Kalashnikov 12/11/04(Sun)15:28 No. 14338

Double magazine, numbnuts.

Anon Kalashnikov 12/11/04(Sun)21:51 No. 14340

>All Nazi weapons
>Not choosing Luger as your preferred pistol

Anon Kalashnikov 12/11/04(Sun)21:52 No. 14341

>All Nazi weapons
>Not choosing Luger as your preferred pistol

Anon Kalashnikov 12/11/17(Sat)20:56 No. 14366

rifle: Vz. 52
AR: K2
SMG: OTs-33
MG: MG42
shotgun: 1897 Trench Gun
pistol: OTs-33
biological weapon: NaOH
rocket/grenade launcher: M79
rifle cartridge: 2mm EC
pistol cartridge: Potatobellum
gun manufacturer: DAHL

Anon Kalashnikov 13/02/22(Fri)06:25 No. 14568

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MG: M240B
Shotgun: Remington 887
Pistol/Revolver: Ruger GP100
Biological Weapon: Anthrax (because it's the only one I'm immunized against.)
Rocket/grenade launcer: M203 (mk19 is fucking sweet but rather unreliable, never fired a rocket AT4 is a recoiless rifle.)
Rifle Cartridge: .204 Ruger
Pistol Cartridge: .357 Magnum

Anon Kalashnikov 13/02/22(Fri)06:45 No. 14569

panzerfaust is a recoiless rifle not a rocket

Javelin is a Missile not a rocket


AT4 is a Recoiless Rifle, not a rocket

A 60mm mortar is neither a rocket or a grenade launcher you 11c fuck!

Anon Kalashnikov 13/02/25(Mon)14:40 No. 14572

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rifle: AG3/G3A3
shotgun: Mossberg 590A1
pistol: HK P46
biological weapon:
rocket/grenade launcher: HK79 mounted on G3
rifle cartridge: NATO 7.62
pistol cartridge: HK 4.6×30mm
gun manufacturer: HK

Anon Kalashnikov 13/03/01(Fri)19:07 No. 14579

rifle: PSL
SMG: Spectre M4
MG: PK machine gun
shotgun: SPAS-12
pistol: Tokarev TT-33
biological weapon: AIDS
rocket/grenade launcher: RPG-29

rifle cartridge: 7.62x54R
pistol cartridge: 7.62x25mm Tokarev
gun manufacturer: FN Herstal is a solid company, even if none of their arms are my absolute favorite.

Anon Kalashnikov 13/03/11(Mon)18:34 No. 14609

SMG:Vector .45
shotgun: Mossberg 500A
pistol:1911 Govt.
biological weapon:
rocket/grenade launcher:RPG-7
rifle cartridge:.308
pistol cartridge:.45 ACP
gun manufacturer:Springfield

Anon Kalashnikov 13/03/18(Mon)15:05 No. 14618

rifle: AKM
SMG: Uzi
MG: RPD (7.62x39)
shotgun: Remington 870 Express
pistol: Glock 19
biological weapon: Anthrax
rocket/grenade launcher: RPG-7
rifle cartridge: 7.62x39
pistol cartridge: 40 S&W
gun manufacturer: Arsenal

Anon Kalashnikov 13/07/04(Thu)10:47 No. 14760

rifle: M14
MG: MG42
shotgun: Saiga 12
pistol: Glock 19
biological weapon: SIDS
rocket/grenade launcher: Javelin
rifle cartridge: 30-06
pistol cartridge: .44 Mag
gun manufacturer: FN Herstal

Anon Kalashnikov 13/07/06(Sat)09:22 No. 14761

Battle rifle: H&K G3A3
Assault rifle: H&K G36
Sniper Rifle: Cheytak M200 (dat ammo)
SMG: H&K UMP .45
MG: Rheinmetall MG3
shotgun: AA-12
pistol: Glock 29
biological weapon: >being this dishonorable
rocket/grenade launcher: RPG-29
rifle cartridge: 7.62 NATO
pistol cartridge: 10mm
gun manufacturer: H&K

Audioaim 13/07/07(Sun)10:17 No. 14762

rifle: Steyr AUG A3
SMG: Steyr TMP
MG: Vickers MG
shotgun: AA-12
pistol: SIG P210
biological weapon: Typhoid fever
rocket/grenade launcher: LAW
rifle cartridge: 5.56×45mm NATO
pistol cartridge: 7.65×21mm Parabellum gun manufacturer: Steyr Mannlicher

Sarah Palin 13/07/14(Sun)17:20 No. 14764

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rifle: AR-15
shotgun: Remington 870
pistol: Glock 18
biological weapon: Tear gas
rocket/grenade launcher: M203
rifle cartridge: .223
pistol cartridge: 9mm

Sarah Palin 13/07/18(Thu)01:39 No. 14766

Rifle: H&K G11
SMG: Vector-V
MG: Stoner 63
Shotgun: Franchi SPAS-12
Pistol: Toss up between S&W Model 500 and the FN Five-Seven
Biological Weapon: None; not a fan
Rocket/Grenade Launcher: M72
Rifle Cartridge: 7.65X53mm
Pistol Cartridge: Magnum or high-velocity calibers; usually either the 5.7X28mm or the .357
Gun Manufacturer: Toss-up between H&K and S&W

Anon Kalashnikov 13/07/19(Fri)19:31 No. 14768

rifle: G36
MG: M249
shotgun: Mossberg 590
pistol: Colt M1911
biological weapon: no preference
rocket/grenade launcher: M72 / AG36
rifle cartridge: .223
pistol cartridge: .45
gun manufacturer: Heckler & Koch

Anon Kalashnikov 13/08/01(Thu)04:09 No. 14780

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Rifle:Any Qbz

SMG: PP Bizon

MG: Mg34 or Mg42

Shotgin: Ithaca 37

Pistol: PP2000

Biological Weapon: Any of Gerhard Schraders Fine Works

Rocket: Probably the AT4 and China Lake for launcher

Rifle Cartridge: .450 Bushmaster

Pistol Cartridge: 9x39

Manufacture: HK You know it baby

Inb4 9x39 aint a pistol cartride, why do you think I chose the wizards at HK to make it?

Pic Related Very Sexy

Anon Kalashnikov 13/08/05(Mon)11:07 No. 14781

The PP2000 is a submachinegun. The designation PP tells you that.

Anon Kalashnikov 13/08/08(Thu)04:46 No. 14782


Well technically, I knew that but wanted to get away with it so fine, Ill change pistol to Beretta 93R for even more dakka

Rodney 13/09/28(Sat)16:29 No. 14797

samefagging is getting out of hand

emcha 13/10/12(Sat)01:50 No. 14806

rifle: moist nugget
SMG: luty
MG: madsen
shotgun: bronze blunderbuss
pistol: obrez
biological weapon: DARPA's gay bomb
rocket/grenade launcher: slingshot big enough to launch glocks
rifle cartridge: 8mm kurtz
pistol cartridge: .50 ae
gun manufacturer: those guys in pakistan that make AKMs out of pot metal.

Anon Kalashnikov 13/11/11(Mon)21:50 No. 14830

>rifle: Kar98k
i was between that and STG44

Anon Kalashnikov 13/11/23(Sat)23:04 No. 14841

Same. Both are classics. STG44 is actually a very good weapon.

Colm 14/01/29(Wed)04:27 No. 14895

rifle: Ruger Ranch Rifle
MG: dont own one
shotgun: Ithaca trench gun
pistol: Ithaca M 1911 A1
biological weapon: diapers, well aged of course
rocket/grenade launcher: never used one
rifle cartridge: 5.56
pistol cartridge: 45 ACP
gun manufacturer: no prefference

Anon Kalashnikov 14/02/10(Mon)09:57 No. 14896

>FN P90
>Browning Maxus
>7.62 NATO
>.45 ACP
>none at all

Oye Adeladun 14/02/11(Tue)19:52 No. 14899

Where can i get to buy S-5, S-8 and S-4 rockets for Mi35

Anon Kalashnikov 14/03/03(Mon)10:15 No. 14910

Crimea is getting a large shipment soon

Anon Kalashnikov 14/03/19(Wed)23:15 No. 14928

rifle: sg-550
SMG: mp-9
MG: BAR (not sure if counts)
shotgun: m3
pistol: fns long slide
biological weapon: agent orange
rocket/grenade launcher: m136
rifle cartridge: 5.56x45
pistol cartridge: .40
gun manufacturer: FN Herstal

Anon Kalashnikov 14/04/01(Tue)19:48 No. 14948

Remington Versa
.45 ACP

Don't argue with me Q-25!UbWWYPj9XY 14/04/02(Wed)05:52 No. 14949

rifle: Remington 700, scoped
SMG: Cobray M11
MG: Browning Ma Deuce
shotgun: Mossberg 500
pistol: Browning Hi Power
biological weapon: Smallpox
rocket/grenade launcher: Panzerfaust
rifle cartridge: .308
pistol cartridge: 9mm

Favorites Matt 14/04/16(Wed)07:51 No. 14953

rifle: Vepr 7.62x54R
MG: M240
shotgun: 870
pistol: M1911
biological weapon:Sulphur Mustard
rocket/grenade launcher: Javelin
rifle cartridge: 7.62x54R
pistol cartridge: .40 S&W

Anon Kalashnikov 14/04/21(Mon)02:26 No. 14956

rifle: M14
SMG: H&K Mp5
MG: MG42
shotgun: Remington 870
pistol: Springfield XDM-45
biological weapon: Agent Orange
rocket/grenade launcher: Carl Gustav Recoilless
rifle cartridge: 30-06
pistol cartridge: 45
gun manufacturer: Taurus or Ruger

Anon Kalashnikov 14/04/29(Tue)22:26 No. 14958

rifle: Mosin Nagant
SMG: Mosin Nagant
MG: Mosin Nagant
shotgun: Mosin Nagant
pistol: Obrez
biological weapon: Mosin Nagant
rocket/grenade launcher: Mosin Nagant
rifle cartridge: 7.62x54r
pistol cartridge: 7.62x54r
gun manufacturer: Tula
Fucking plebs

Anon Kalashnikov 14/05/09(Fri)18:27 No. 14959

Rifle: M4/Colt Mk18 Mod 1
SMG: H and K MP7A1
MG:M249 Para
Shotgun: Benelli M-3
Pistol: Glock 19 9mm
Biological Agent: Agent Orange, no real preference
Rifle Cartridge: 5.56/45
Pistol Cartridge: 9mm

Anon Kalashnikov 14/08/07(Thu)03:03 No. 15010

rifle: Noreen “Bad news” ULR 338
SMG: Mp7A1
shotgun: AA-12 (2006-2014)
pistol: P220 Combat TB
biological weapon: Weaponized Chimera Viruse (Polio - Anthrax)
rocket/grenade launcher: Airtronic USA Mk.777
rifle cartridge: .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6x70)
pistol cartridge: .45 ACP
gun manufacturer: Black Market arms dealers

Anon Kalashnikov 14/08/14(Thu)07:08 No. 15016

rifle: Colt M4
shotgun: Mossberg 590
pistol: CZ-75B
biological weapon: 2inhumane4me
rocket/grenade launcher: China lake
rifle cartridge: 5.56x45mm
pistol cartridge: .45 ACP
gun manufacturer: FN

Sarah Palin 16/01/27(Wed)22:05 No. 15233

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rifle: Heckler and Koch G3
SMG: Uzi
MG: MG42
shotgun: Double Barrel
pistol: P38
biological weapon: Chlorine Bleach
rocket/grenade launcher: M72
rifle cartridge: 7.62x39mm
pistol cartridge: 9mm
gun manufacturer: Heckler and Koch

General Acroth+Nilsson 16/02/11(Thu)11:35 No. 15237

I have other experiences.
Swedish Mauser rifle 4
Without rubber plug and short striker.
Carved into the box and flapping sight.
Eight holes in the barrel huh half a millimeter too big in the mouth.
And time well when I was on the eighteenth soldier who used the shit.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/04/07(Thu)19:07 No. 15273

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This shit is still going on?
This thread is old. Kill it already.

Anon Kalashnikov 16/05/17(Tue)22:13 No. 15285

I will super Mario you guys right in the ear you lazy cows


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