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Minecraft server xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/10(Mon)10:56 No. 147359 Stickied

File 173918141486.jpg - (16.04KB , 900x900 , Minecraft.jpg )

I leave 7chan for 12 years and you get rid of your Minecraft server?

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/10(Mon)13:42 No. 147360

I still have my gangster skin that SuperBuick made me for it.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/10(Mon)14:23 No. 147361

File 173919379269.jpg - (136.01KB , 1080x1349 , Snapinst_app_476640914_17842441080424737_248780911.jpg )

It started off as something innocent. She wanted to study together and exchange notes. Before ya knew it, we were renting an apartment together and yesterday she asked me if I ever thought about or see her "in that way".

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/10(Mon)14:24 No. 147362

We were waiting patiently for 10 years, but we cannot wait forever. We had to get rid of it.

Tl;dr don't be gone for more than a decade

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/10(Mon)16:12 No. 147363

I'm sorry... ;-;

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/10(Mon)18:26 No. 147365

Sorry anon, we Minetest now.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/10(Mon)18:27 No. 147366

It's back: minecraft.7chan.org

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/10(Mon)22:02 No. 147369

Man I love Nekopara...

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/12(Wed)12:47 No. 147377

File 173936082573.png - (1.71MB , 1920x1080 , 2025-02-12_12_46_01.png )

I've done my best to recreate the old spawn from Nirvana.
Online map is also live now

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/12(Wed)14:42 No. 147379

File 173936775038.png - (1.24MB , 1920x1080 , 2025-02-12_14_42_48.png )


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