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L Thread xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/12/17(Tue)04:14 No. 147327

File 173440529675.jpg - (6.36KB , 138x156 , 4.jpg )

no media fire links? What the fuck is this bruh I thought this was an anonymous sharing website. Meaning you can share anything and nearly get away with it as long as the content dosent contain cp -,-
lame ass hoes on god
like this literally could've been anything like pirating content like gurochan does but nah lets make this thread hella boring and just post game reviews which i totally cant do on a steam page.Like what a waste -.-

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/12/17(Tue)05:18 No. 147328

>Do not post, request, or link to any illegal content; the staff will make judgments accordingly. Examples include Child Pornography (any pornography with someone who is 17 or younger), revenge porn, and illegal copies (including links) of copyrighted content

It's right there in black and white you moaning pussy faggot, also if you need rapidshit links to pirate a game you should turn your computer off

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/12/17(Tue)05:22 No. 147329

File 17344093232.png - (2.82KB , 172x99 , Screenshot 2024-12-16 222021.png )

real oldfags know how to share games without breaking the rules.
real oldfags also don't need to because we're adults with jobs and can buy shit.
it seems like you're breaking at least 1, maybe even 2 of the rules of this board.

sage xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/12/17(Tue)10:58 No. 147330

File 173442949194.jpg - (32.48KB , 620x465 , just-stop.jpg )

If you would trust a link to an executable from this website you are a moron.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/01/08(Wed)08:53 No. 147342

Colour me surprised. Which imageboards allow corsairs to sail freely?

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/01/08(Wed)10:03 No. 147343

File 17363270153.jpg - (43.33KB , 720x720 , 1718033159975514.jpg )

I heard Facebook lets you share all the malware you want. If you pay them, they might even advertise it for you.

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