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What is your favorite game? KarenHampton 24/09/15(Sun)17:00 No. 147282

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What is your favorite game?

Anna 24/09/15(Sun)17:05 No. 147283

I prefer CS. It’s amazing how a digital inventory can hold so much value. I guess with the CS2 market, it’s a mix of gaming, investing, and even some gambling for those who take risks on unboxing cases or trading. That is why https://livelearnventure.com/the-most-expensive-cs2-inventories-in-2023/ was an article where I learned a lot about how to invest money in it.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/10/03(Thu)12:13 No. 147302

Command & Conquer

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/10/18(Fri)13:18 No. 147305

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xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/10/19(Sat)19:17 No. 147306

I'm having fun with Cultist Simulator and Book of Hours

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/11/14(Thu)11:37 No. 147318

ACE COMBAT ~ tis a dark & stormy night

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/12/24(Tue)03:19 No. 147336

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Dragonball Fighter Z

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/01/12(Sun)07:45 No. 147345

Marvel Rivals.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/01/12(Sun)23:54 No. 147346

Same. While I do savour a few handfuls of magnificent games, Pokemon feels like going back home. Within Pokemon, I would narrow it down to Red/Green/Blue specifically. They aren't even my favourites, but I just adore replaying them every single time I flick on that Game Boy Color switch.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/01/13(Mon)16:31 No. 147347

you sound like a moron and probably a scammer, but nobody cares about your gambling addiction

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/11(Tue)15:25 No. 147371


But I deliberately avoided WoW back when that was a thing so as not to waste half of my youth. And I knew I would never get good at starcraft, so I never even tried it. LoL similar story to WoW but I think WoW was probably better and more mystical in its peak days. LoL sounds like a stoner game... but not in a good way like cs for example is. Anyhow, none of these I have ever even tried playing. However of all the games I have played which includes some real classics, nothing touches cs, truly a mystical game. Absolutely mystical. You had to be there, there's no way I could describe it to you. Nothing comes close.

And, don't get me wrong there are many good games, even great games, but the level of mystery and depth and just dimensionality... Really nothing comes close of the games that I've played. It can have great story, it can have great lore, but what was built on CS and the base physics/gameplay engine itself - impeccable. Both 1.6 and css. I stopped playing by the time everyone migrated to go, but it's probably a good game.

I can only think of wow and Minecraft, neither of which I have played, that could perhaps come to the same level of mystical power. Minecraft because of the community. I don't think the game itself is very good. That's where CS differs - the gameplay is extremely extremely good. Few games offer same level of skill ceiling. Let alone while still allowing the noobs to at least participate. One of if not the best FPS. But the moments experienced there, the maps, the Eastern Europe community... Timeless and impeccable. Overall experience.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/11(Tue)17:05 No. 147372

Well, okay, I guess Eve online was a thing, but one, I'm already too late and two, I really don't have pretty much any idea what it is.

And there were a bunch of pretty great FPS games with strong communities and good gameplay from team fortress to battlefield and many others even in the more battle royale oriented 2010s games, some of them were not bad I think and did have big communities so of course some good times were had. Escape from tarkov as a unique thing that it is deserves a mention. And while I personally played a lot of civilization games, like many hours song, I'm not sure it really deserves a mansion. Nowhere near the depth the ethos or the zeitgeist, even as a pretty cool little mind puzzle. The civilization for was too small, so one could ultimately pretty much figure it out and five while it was vast in the possibilities, I never properly learned it. Three of course solidified it as a game. Well here I am, mentioning it. But I cannot do it in the same breath of awe and reverence as I can mention some of the other titles - wow, perhaps Eve, certainly CS, starcraft I guess. To be fair I just haven't played that many games or got immersed that much except for CS which I will remember to the day I die. It was a special moment in time. Absolutely magical.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/12(Wed)21:29 No. 147380

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Portal 2, which means gaming peaked roughly 14 years ago

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