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Video game crossovers xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/01/08(Mon)02:46 No. 147024

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What makes a good crossover? For me its one that puts in the effort to really explore how two different characters interact. How the personalities or powers of different games would really work if they were to meet each other, not shit like Fortnite which is just a cosmetic, all that does is have something there, but you do nothing with it.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/02/13(Tue)11:35 No. 147046

I think that's exactly right, the more interesting their contrast in logic and themes, the better. Like Postal Dude in Undertale/Deltarune—what does the game about the divide between player and character mean with a protagonist that VALUES your control over him because it means he's no longer morally responsible for his actions? Even if Chara is still in the picture, what does that mean when Dude by himself is already partner enough?

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/06/29(Sat)04:27 No. 147238

Does the crossover makes sense? If yes, do it.
eg. Terry & Main in Street Fighter VI.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/07/30(Tue)14:56 No. 147252

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I want Chunli in Tekken8; so she can actually speak chinese.

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