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xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/10/25(Wed)11:05 No. 147002

File 169822470596.png - (135.45KB , 700x1086 , cutscene 2 nort hird panel 7.png )

Made a game called Project Nortubel
Still WIP but it's playable on itch and NG.
Would like some feedback.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/11/29(Wed)10:09 No. 147013

File 170124894060.png - (101.50KB , 1606x1091 , 4 nortubel chars.png )

And the game recently got an update reaching 18 levels and 6 cutscenes.
Feedback is appreciated.
You can find it on NG and itch too.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/01/08(Mon)22:42 No. 147027

File 170475013589.png - (286.32KB , 749x449 , nort art summer time.png )

The newest Nortubel update is about features to make the game more accessable to people, based on some feedback I received.
You can even play as the kid character if the commands and ladder stuff still annoys you.
If you struggled with the game at first, maybe now you can give it a second chance.
Again on Newgrounds and itch.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/02/10(Sat)02:36 No. 147042

Did an update with 8 levels and a lot of stuff.
3 of the main world of the game and 5 of a new world.
I even did new gameplay things like a new type of door and switch.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/04/08(Mon)00:43 No. 147063

File 171252978519.png - (30.85KB , 749x449 , massag art cheerleaders reference.png )

Latest update has tweaks like an instructions text in the pause/main menus and revamped tutorial levels.
Also, some guests.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/05/01(Wed)17:38 No. 147069

Biggest update so far is out now on NG and itch!
A more ambitious world and bosses even.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/07/01(Mon)17:03 No. 147239

Another big update because the game is at its "middle stage", sort of.
You get to see Bonka again.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/08/11(Sun)00:27 No. 147256

An update was released with new levels and stuff.
Also did my first gif on Krita and put the animation in the game too.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/09/09(Mon)12:40 No. 147272

The game keeps going forward.
If you thought Bonka was a highlight, look how much I did with Uulga.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/09/23(Mon)10:20 No. 147293

Also, on Itch I made an account called EyeBallSpunk where I uploaded a "game".
In theory the account is for very specific projects of some type and may not be used as often.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/09/27(Fri)11:46 No. 147295

File 172743040630.jpg - (54.27KB , 850x601 , 20240930.jpg )

What;s this game about?

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/09/28(Sat)23:41 No. 147298

Nortubel is mainly about the older sibling telling the younger one where to go and the option for the other to be playable was done in case the order mechanics get a bit complicated.
If I had to explain Nortubel as simply as possible:
>Excuse to show a variety of OC's, with a "crossover" gimmick since they copy different things
>Mainly focused on these 6 characters
>Companion focus with some other things in levels
One half OC showcase, another half newbie gamedev journey where I got too ambitious for my first game but most things managed to stick out.
But if I finish this game, it'll get more confusing because I always imagined a series where games are different enough to feel like different franchises.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/10/20(Sun)22:48 No. 147308

The latest update goes well with Halloween.
And the next one could be the last.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/10/23(Wed)00:40 No. 147309

Did another "4 characters" summer art but with a male focus and Clarity just because.
It's a sequel to this other one with 4 girls.
Also, can anyone see if the first level lags the game because of the ingame videos?
Specially if you test around different versions of the game (Browser vs downloaded) and specially in different browsers.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/10/31(Thu)00:24 No. 147314

Did another but smaller update.
Mostly expanding on the gallery stuff, fixing the videos and editing pre-existing levels.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/11/08(Fri)01:02 No. 147315

Did another update where I tweaked some levels and added a spooky mirror.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/11/14(Thu)01:32 No. 147317

Just in case, I do hope someone plays Nortubel and gives me feedback because I want to make sure the game's finished this year.
Right now, I'm doing cutscene stuff and then I'll try music on LMMS.
Here's the level passwords so far:
galeria, tutor1, tutor2, tutor3,
c4rr13, k4tr1n, m3lv1n, osc4r0, p33tt3, ang3l4,
l3300n, oott00, b0rhrr, p4m3l4, sh3lly, b3rn4d,
b00k3r, r1c0t0, phn34s, st3ll4, z4r1n4, sh1hr0,
h0lm3s, mcshry, jol1t4, b4rn3y, k4rl44,
l13fd1, x444ng, am4l14,
y13g0r, clr1ty, kl3rrr, tf00r1, zrkv1l,
d3c4rd, fl3nnn, brkstn, m0nic4, ill0uu, b0nkyy, b0nk44,
cl4ud1, b0nk3t, dr1l0u, j3r0ld, chrl3s, lmshtn,
e1rr4c, n1rt4k, n1vl3m, n4myl3, p3bble, iv4nnn, eul0r1, uulg44,
r4cs00, eet33p, al3gn4, k4luub, al1sss, b34trc,
h1rdr1, kr1mbs, msgc0v, gr3klv, br1nk4, l4h1rn, h3rrk0, unt0tr, n0rtbl

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/12/29(Sun)03:59 No. 147337

File 173544119449.png - (31.96KB , 749x449 , krimb art another delusional dream v2.png )

Game is very close.
Now I want to check some music related shit and maybe the updates just to cool my autism off.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/12/30(Mon)22:55 No. 147339

File 173559574096.png - (48.76KB , 749x449 , nort art yet another weird dream.png )

Will be the last wedding image and just like the previous one, it's accessable in a specific area where to get there, you make use of an exploit involving jumping and taking damage.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/12/31(Tue)15:30 No. 147340

The game is finally finished, even if I may have to see if there's some weird thing to fix.
But I want to move on to something else.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/01/18(Sat)18:56 No. 147349

File 173722296157.png - (30.13KB , 749x449 , herrko art lulu reference.png )

Started a new game and it's called Hirdrih Technologic.
Been doing some experiments with the camera and resolution.
I also added a lot of Nortubel assets but they'll soon be edited/replaced to fit the art style I want to try.
Most of them are also about specific characters and things that will show up.
Also a new character: Lulu.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/01/23(Thu)02:11 No. 147350

Ended up doing 2 new characters.
Much like Lulu, their art will have a "new style" version so it's not just this Nortubel style.
Loorhuleen is like an adopted daughter of Euloria and is belived to be from a race of Yevlen that's gone extinct.
Heilga is the niece of Staphen and I could make her a boss.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/01/23(Thu)11:50 No. 147351

Get better at drawing nigga

(No being a shit)

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/01/31(Fri)00:18 No. 147356

File 173827909535.png - (22.70KB , 446x449 , untotern art reference baalphomette.png )

I promise this the last new character using Nortubel's style, because the other new characters will actually be on the pixel style I should try.
Much like Heilga, she could be another boss.
I'll try a different style in the game.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/15(Sat)00:13 No. 147389

File 173957478744.png - (21.51KB , 749x449 , nort art alt angela reference.png )

Also wanted to mention that a thing called Sweet Dreams under the account "EyeBallSpunk" was updated.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 25/02/15(Sat)11:52 No. 147390

Make every character 6 years old

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