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more sonic ghosts? anonjk420 23/05/01(Mon)18:33 No. 146920

File 16829588024.jpg - (392.37KB , 1335x910 , 6ECFC1C9-96C1-41C0-88D1-B56A4930AA69.jpg )

so you might remember when I said I saw a ghost in a sonic hero's level. And the freakiest part was that if you messed with brightness and contrast of the image you could see a face. Just my luck I saw another one, this time it’s in a sonic colours for the ds level?? This one’s easier to see, and I swear I didn’t edit this. What would be the point of that? I don’t think anyone would care to waste their lives on spreading misinformation.

anonjk420 23/05/01(Mon)18:36 No. 146921

open image to see more clearly

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/05/01(Mon)19:59 No. 146922

Which part is the face?

I feel like you're just experiencing pareidolia.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/05/01(Mon)22:08 No. 146923

It’s around the left, and it’s white. if you can’t see you might be right about me just seeing things

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/05/01(Mon)22:50 No. 146924

File 168297421228.gif - (190.86KB , 250x200 , triple.gif )

>I don’t think anyone would care to waste their lives on spreading misinformation.
You don't originate on this forum, do you?

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/05/04(Thu)13:07 No. 146926

File 168319842888.gif - (858.90KB , 384x224 , 2025.gif )

what is this?

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/05/05(Fri)14:25 No. 146927

File 16832895073.jpg - (135.88KB , 1158x794 , 20230505.jpg )

Sonic Boom!

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/05/05(Fri)14:30 No. 146928

File 168328984567.jpg - (72.21KB , 680x880 , 20230505.jpg )

I can't see anything...

Anaonjk420 23/05/11(Thu)22:08 No. 146932

File 168383573437.jpg - (620.16KB , 1678x1178 , 595F0188-9B8A-4CE9-A419-EE0DA1FE083F.jpg )

Alright fags, this might help

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