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Indie games Alastor Ita 22/05/02(Mon)15:15 No. 146580

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Tell me, what prompted you to play them? Mainly their genre or the innovation they could offer their genres?

Ps. I ask this question because lately I wonder what is the component that makes an indie beautiful. Innovation in gameplay? The graphics? Or just the story?

Can it be a good game for just 1 of these components? Ex, it can be good a game whose graphics and gameplay are shitty, but is the story as good as an MGS?

The+Red+Barron 22/05/16(Mon)09:59 No. 146591

Price is it. I never trust indie games, they have so many fucking shills and I have rarely played a decent one. I don't think I have finished a single indie, but for 99 cents I figure fuck it

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 22/06/06(Mon)17:40 No. 146607

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Any game that I play that's considered 'indie' is only by coincidence. I buy games based off premise generally, rather than how much money has been pumped into it.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 22/06/07(Tue)03:32 No. 146610

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I only play indie games if the videos and screenshots look good. I mean, after all, that's what got me to buying videogames in person back in the day, and ofc what prompted me to put quarters in a machine.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/04/02(Sun)08:24 No. 146909

Playing modern military indie games eg. War Thunder & War of Tanks.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/04/25(Tue)04:25 No. 146916

I played a few that were on flash sale for a dollar

They sucked, and I avoid them like the plague

Some of the new ones look good, like Demon's Tier

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/05/12(Fri)13:59 No. 146935

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I like blasphemaus; Indeimaus' review of it is lit.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/06/18(Sun)03:06 No. 146956

Not all indie games are good but HOLLOW KNIGHT is one of the better ones.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 23/06/23(Fri)10:36 No. 146959

Triple-A I find nowadays to be bland in its content, sheer slop made to appeal to the masses.

I wouldn't say that Indie is objectively better because for every indie game that's worth playing there's 2 meh/niche games you may or may not like and a dozen more that aren't worth your time.

HOWEVER, I think the biggest difference for me between Indies/AA (to an extent) and Triple-A games is that I find the former to have a lot more passion & ambition for the gameplay ideas they're exploring. Games Like Shadow's of Doubt or Project Zomboid first come to mind as examples of ambition. Battlebit as an example of "passion" as well.

All three of those make perfect sense as to why they're Indie games for me- the first two are just too ambitious for Triple-A companies to really try to make, especially for the game's genres in the case of the first one, and the third is a clear example of wanting to make something that isn't really original in the grand scheme of things, but still made regardless because they _really_ enjoyed the gameplay loop of what it's inspired by.

At the end of the day, I'd much rather pay attention to someones game because they put genuine, honest effort behind it, then some Triple-A Conglomerate's game that ticks all of the boxes on paper without really "wanting" to, if that makes any sense.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/01/08(Mon)05:21 No. 147025


xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/01/26(Fri)14:20 No. 147036

I've only played really part of Hollow Knight in this line up.what prompted me to play the game was just the trailer and small bit of gameplay looked good enough to pay for the game. I think the figuring out what to do next in the game is kind of a challenge sometimes but I've backtracked in many games so it wasn't too bad.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/01/30(Tue)01:00 No. 147037

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Still waiting. I want to try the DLC perhaps.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/06/29(Sat)04:25 No. 147237

Please support an indie game like 2XKO.. oh wait.. Blazing Strike

Why we NEED Indie Fighting Games

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