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Have you played any VNs before /vg/?
I haven't actually. I've been meaning to read a few and I even have Fate/Stay Night installed on my computer, but I can never seem to find the time to sit down and finally do it. Are you familiar with visual novels? I'm curious about what titles you like. Might give me novels to try eventually.
I thought Doki Doki Literature Club was really cool.
>>146551 >I can never seem to find the time to sit down and finally do it. Same here.
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Still one of the best VNs.
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Currently playing 'Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves'
Played halfway through a furry one(Adastra) and then dropped it, never felt the need to get back into the genre again after that. Maybe I'd like the non-porn ones more.
I've never tried a real VN before, but I've been playing AIR for a few days now, the hentai scenes are fucking awful, kinda ruined the wholesomeness desu. The music is top tier.
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only played fsn (original) and air, never did play much after that because i could never find the time to finish any vns