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/unf/ - Uniforms RULES:
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Air Hostesses Anonymous 09/10/31(Sat)22:27 No. 7536 ID: 2f5b0c

File 125702443484.jpg - (69.95KB , 500x797 , sophie-howard-air-stewardess.jpg )

Air hostesses?

I had a flight today and it made me realise just how sexy they were. Just scoured the internet looking for relevant pictures to start a decent thread, because requesting is bad. Please post what ya got.

20 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 09/11/15(Sun)11:11 No. 7831 ID: 4724d5

File 125827990469.jpg - (115.58KB , 427x800 , 0_2dc67_bbb745d7_XL.jpg )

why isn't life like this anymore?

Anonymous 09/11/16(Mon)06:01 No. 7835 ID: d437a3


Anonymous 09/11/19(Thu)08:33 No. 7854 ID: 633e9b

I swear that looks like a guy wearing the same thing behind her.
That might be an answer

Anonymous 09/11/20(Fri)04:55 No. 7857 ID: cbc895

File 125868930699.jpg - (30.98KB , 310x480 , stewardess.jpg )

Anonymous 09/12/06(Sun)05:45 No. 8666 ID: a18914

Clearly this is on a bus, so this isn't doing anything for me.

Anonymous 10/02/22(Mon)04:10 No. 12059 ID: 5275c3


1 By a air hostess outfit

2 Hire a whore

3 ??

4 Profit

sage Anonymous 10/02/22(Mon)14:53 No. 12060 ID: 089d4c

tsk tsk, anon. without the third "?" in step 3 he'll never win the game.

sage for my own non-contribution.

Anonymous 10/02/28(Sun)03:52 No. 12115 ID: 30d0c2

"Air Hostess" makes me think of a flying twinkie.

Anonymous 10/03/15(Mon)07:39 No. 12211 ID: d8e38e

p 10/03/16(Tue)00:36 No. 12216 ID: 6512d4

Anonymous 10/07/24(Sat)06:45 No. 12430 ID: 9e272f

the commercial for a new zealand airline features naked hostesses. tis on youtube.

Anonymous 10/10/16(Sat)16:33 No. 13827 ID: 2ce6f6


too lazy to post a link?

anon 10/10/18(Mon)06:22 No. 13832 ID: bd8123

File 128737577611.jpg - (139.03KB , 500x348 , 000003_10kataxenna.jpg )

stewardess delivery for you, sir

anon 10/10/18(Mon)06:23 No. 13833 ID: bd8123

File 128737580645.jpg - (579.75KB , 1680x1050 , 416603.jpg )

stewardess delivery for you, sir

anon 10/10/18(Mon)06:23 No. 13834 ID: bd8123

File 128737582391.jpg - (422.00KB , 1680x1050 , 416743.jpg )

stewardess delivery for you, sir

anon 10/10/18(Mon)06:24 No. 13835 ID: bd8123

File 128737584111.jpg - (210.46KB , 1600x1200 , 463318.jpg )

stewardess delivery for you, sir

anon 10/10/18(Mon)06:24 No. 13836 ID: bd8123

File 12873758572.jpg - (133.14KB , 1600x1200 , 463319.jpg )

stewardess delivery for you, sir

anon 10/10/18(Mon)06:24 No. 13837 ID: bd8123

File 128737587265.jpg - (299.23KB , 1600x1200 , lp96.jpg )

stewardess delivery for you, sir

anon 10/10/18(Mon)06:24 No. 13838 ID: bd8123

File 12873758872.jpg - (102.11KB , 667x1024 , stew03.jpg )

stewardess delivery for you, sir

Anonymous 11/02/07(Mon)04:13 No. 15372 ID: ce04a9

File 129704839153.jpg - (408.94KB , 966x1452 , stewardess_showing_her_tiny_tits.jpg )

Anonymous 11/03/09(Wed)13:13 No. 16122 ID: 830bfc

Anonymous 11/04/20(Wed)10:11 No. 17027 ID: c648b9

File 130328710266.jpg - (51.07KB , 400x694 , Candice-Swanepoel-sexy-3.jpg )

John 11/04/29(Fri)09:04 No. 17065 ID: c27c1c

File removed.jpg - (2.72MB , 3872x2176 , DSC09831.jpg )

John 11/04/29(Fri)09:04 No. 17066 ID: c27c1c

John 11/04/29(Fri)09:06 No. 17067 ID: c27c1c

File removed.jpg - (1.77MB , 2176x3872 , DSC09839.jpg )

John 11/04/29(Fri)09:09 No. 17068 ID: c27c1c

File removed.jpg - (4.82MB , 2736x3648 , SDC14380.jpg )

John 11/04/29(Fri)09:15 No. 17069 ID: c27c1c

Anonymous 11/05/22(Sun)11:46 No. 17160 ID: 4387be

Anonymous 11/06/04(Sat)23:41 No. 17226 ID: d3cbde

jetmound 11/09/19(Mon)23:39 No. 17814 ID: 6aa9a8

jetmound 11/09/19(Mon)23:48 No. 17815 ID: 6aa9a8

These are oh so real
nice flight anyone ?

Anonymous 11/10/22(Sat)21:24 No. 18053 ID: f2afba

File 131931146037.jpg - (28.96KB , 640x480 , ABF2224.jpg )

Obviously staged, but flight attendant hj/bj:

part 1:
part 2:

Anonymous 12/04/05(Thu)03:26 No. 20267 ID: f1f67f

File 133358921572.jpg - (146.04KB , 694x984 , yukimorisaki.jpg )

Just the one sadly. Great thread.

Anonymous 12/05/11(Fri)21:30 No. 20324 ID: 622420

Anonymous 12/05/11(Fri)21:34 No. 20325 ID: a9f53f

>last pic

Anonymous 12/05/11(Fri)21:34 No. 20326 ID: 622420

Anonymous 12/05/11(Fri)21:35 No. 20327 ID: 622420

Anonymous 12/05/11(Fri)21:37 No. 20328 ID: 622420

Anonymous 12/05/11(Fri)21:38 No. 20329 ID: 622420

Last ones. I like the first one of these four.

Anonymous 12/05/31(Thu)17:45 No. 20378 ID: f13ede

File 133847913018.jpg - (68.87KB , 855x472 , Capture.jpg )

Anonymous 12/06/22(Fri)00:49 No. 20622 ID: 0d5aa0

File 134031894482.jpg - (172.29KB , 1024x768 , 129752468214.jpg )

Anonymous 12/06/28(Thu)22:04 No. 20714 ID: b20a90


Anonymous 12/10/04(Thu)02:41 No. 20977 ID: 3b9255

File 134931127713.jpg - (35.79KB , 604x415 , 1349311129844.jpg )

Air hostess Harry48 14/10/31(Fri)16:40 No. 23319 ID: 0f6111

This pneumatic sweetie can fly with me!!

Anonymous 17/06/10(Sat)15:07 No. 24951 ID: d4ce38

File 14971000423.jpg - (24.12KB , 450x600 , 1048e2.jpg )

Anonymous 17/06/15(Thu)06:05 No. 24953 ID: 10bc64

holy shit is there moar?

Anonymous 17/06/18(Sun)00:02 No. 24957 ID: d4ce38

Thanks for the comment! That's the only pic I found. You could try a reverse image search to see if there's a set.

Anonymous 17/08/01(Tue)10:26 No. 24962 ID: 337620

Anonymous 17/08/01(Tue)16:50 No. 24967 ID: c57ebd

Anonymous 18/02/06(Tue)18:47 No. 25025 ID: c3a19b


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