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/unf/ - Uniforms

1: No requests. Source/More is a request. Don't start a thread unless you have three relevant images.
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Nazi Women Anonymous 09/07/11(Sat)07:02 No. 263 ID: b25d6e

File 124728857223.jpg - (4.44KB , 120x101 , images.jpg )

Nazi Thread reboot

30 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Cryomancer 09/07/11(Sat)10:26 No. 296 ID: 7eb793

File 124730077879.jpg - (49.42KB , 429x700 , nazis_1_28___1091458477cu__adb4550b.jpg )

Anonymous 09/07/12(Sun)00:25 No. 408 ID: a44652

File 124735113659.jpg - (52.86KB , 403x604 , l_a494eef2b6066bb6a492cf00283d8027.jpg )

I've missed this board so much.

Etna Is My Wife!rwTzXYi3BQ 09/07/12(Sun)01:14 No. 409 ID: 0dc126


Anonymous 09/07/14(Tue)21:03 No. 442 ID: 9c3189

File 124759820516.jpg - (77.35KB , 820x925 , 12429357998.jpg )

Anonymous 09/07/15(Wed)19:35 No. 458 ID: 52caa7

That's a boy.

Anonymous 09/07/15(Wed)21:46 No. 459 ID: a44652

File 124768717156.jpg - (117.26KB , 597x1079 , 1239471959150.jpg )

Who said that this was girls in uniform only?

Anonymous 09/07/16(Thu)01:50 No. 461 ID: 026e24

File 124770182165.jpg - (44.47KB , 380x277 , captsged.jpg )

>Who said that this was girls in uniform only?

The OP?

Anonymous 09/07/21(Tue)04:34 No. 516 ID: e298db

why do people have to bring this gay stuff into previously straight threads?

you want nazi men, make a nazi men thread

Anonymous 09/07/23(Thu)15:56 No. 544 ID: ef72f0

That's a nazbol, not a nazi.

Anonymous 09/07/24(Fri)07:17 No. 567 ID: 036c4f

Weird you dont see many modern guns in WW2 so this picture makes all kinds of sence

Anonymous 09/07/29(Wed)06:46 No. 1056 ID: 4f38ad

For the love of god moar!

Anonymous 09/08/06(Thu)04:06 No. 2419 ID: 5f8b9e

File 124952440474.jpg - (410.49KB , 1200x1600 , a.jpg )

Anonymous 09/08/06(Thu)08:50 No. 2422 ID: 636325

Wow, I am Hispanic, and I would LOVE a girl like that...

Am I fucked up?!

Anonymous 09/08/11(Tue)10:41 No. 2764 ID: 49d629

Goddammit, will someone please start a Nazi Men thread?

Anonymous 09/08/12(Wed)10:48 No. 2796 ID: 49d629

Yes please!

Anonymous 09/08/13(Thu)00:17 No. 2823 ID: 7eb793


as long as they aren't making new threads just to request or shitting up a topic with repeat requests it's fine.

Anonymous 09/08/18(Tue)05:47 No. 2899 ID: 51fdcf

There already is one a page back, but it's suffering from lack of input.

Anonymous 09/08/25(Tue)06:12 No. 3484 ID: 00912d

I just saw Inglorious Bastards... at the scene where they were holding the premiere party, there were these Nazi hostesses or waitresses running around in some Nazi Tuxedo inspired outfits complete with stockings and garters.

I think some photos of these outfits are in order!

Anonymous 09/09/13(Sun)07:00 No. 3823 ID: fe9698

That scene pissed me off. There is no way alcohol and cigarettes would be served at a function with Hitler attending.

Samuel L. Niggernazi 09/09/14(Mon)00:32 No. 3825 ID: f81476

File 125288113434.jpg - (29.53KB , 640x272 , Niggernazi.jpg )

It wasn't alcohol, it was the blood of Heracles, duh!

Anonymous 09/09/14(Mon)19:16 No. 3827 ID: ca9806

File 125294856758.jpg - (93.29KB , 756x1080 , ironsky_cast1.jpg )

Anonymous 09/09/15(Tue)14:20 No. 3831 ID: 76340d

Yeah because when I go see a Tarantino movie I go for the realism hahaha.

noko Co.Cube 09/11/25(Wed)18:40 No. 8207 ID: f3ac6c

Anonymous 09/12/02(Wed)05:19 No. 8622 ID: 408960

Nazi medic.

Anonymous 10/02/02(Tue)18:40 No. 10099 ID: f1af28

Youtube  Wenn ich ich mir was wünschen dürfte,
käme ich in Verlegenheit

Anonymous 10/02/02(Tue)22:06 No. 10100 ID: 71fad5


Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)12:59 No. 12393 ID: 903df2


Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)13:01 No. 12394 ID: 903df2

more more more

Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)13:03 No. 12395 ID: 903df2

still more

Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)13:04 No. 12396 ID: 903df2

Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)13:05 No. 12397 ID: 903df2

ok, you guys' turn now

Anonymous 10/07/20(Tue)18:14 No. 12406 ID: fe204c

File 127964246858.jpg - (92.65KB , 724x833 , 1234052308496.jpg )

Anonymous 10/08/01(Sun)11:29 No. 12461 ID: 65fd94

File 128065495750.jpg - (185.95KB , 900x741 , frauleins-in-uniform.jpg )

Anonymous 10/08/17(Tue)09:22 No. 12787 ID: 591ea9

File 128202974847.jpg - (76.59KB , 429x600 , ilsa.jpg )

Anonymous 10/08/17(Tue)09:25 No. 12788 ID: 591ea9

File 128202990918.jpg - (54.49KB , 429x600 , tigermadchen.jpg )

Anonymous 10/12/30(Thu)00:34 No. 14158 ID: aacb6e

File 129366564715.jpg - (68.98KB , 466x699 , 1234195518.jpg )

Anonymous 10/12/30(Thu)00:36 No. 14159 ID: aacb6e

Anonymous 11/01/31(Mon)03:03 No. 14914 ID: cffed1

Agent Provocateur 11/11/03(Thu)16:51 No. 18133 ID: 4adc08

File 132033549947.jpg - (141.01KB , 469x750 , Aly Fell;dirigible;female;Lady Frances Drake;steam.jpg )

Anonymous 11/11/07(Mon)03:31 No. 18148 ID: 8b5aca

File 132063306228.jpg - (103.84KB , 540x716 , 262158_10150276305007437_729042436_8993338_4503170.jpg )


Anonymous 13/06/28(Fri)17:12 No. 21993 ID: 6559f8

File 137243234636.jpg - (80.17KB , 337x497 , 1355354979785.jpg )

bump for moar... uhm... it's for science.

Anonymous 13/10/29(Tue)04:53 No. 22199 ID: 1bddb7

File 138301882216.jpg - (118.55KB , 800x1200 , 138299658813.jpg )

Link related - Nazi-fetish-based sadomasochism Anonymous 13/11/03(Sun)06:37 No. 22204 ID: 687488

File 138345706764.jpg - (7.17KB , 225x300 , 0986def53a35d060f1134bd668218b2e724dd6e0[1].jpg )


This isn't copyrighted file sharing so don't ban me

Anonymous 13/12/10(Tue)22:37 No. 22291 ID: 52719f

Anonymous 13/12/10(Tue)22:40 No. 22292 ID: 52719f

Anonymous 13/12/10(Tue)22:47 No. 22293 ID: 52719f

File 138671205071.gif - (2.57MB , 232x176 , 131355789391.gif )

Anonymous 14/01/23(Thu)12:39 No. 22386 ID: dd043a

File 139047715551.jpg - (238.55KB , 766x1024 , image.jpg )

Why this no here already?

Anonymous 14/03/31(Mon)21:37 No. 22484 ID: b0b32c

Anonymous 14/04/28(Mon)13:36 No. 22616 ID: 99f5bf


Source on this?

Anonymous 14/05/03(Sat)04:44 No. 22618 ID: 5d408a

File 139908504667.jpg - (50.70KB , 600x900 , 1398792316277.jpg )


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