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/unf/ - Uniforms RULES:
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Gypsy thread. noko 11/08/10(Wed)04:45 No. 17620 ID: 526d3a

File 131294430756.jpg - (149.96KB , 834x1250 , Gypsy (3).jpg )

Gypsy thread. Hippie/woodstock/festival/manson family chicks preferred over hipster/scene/rave girls, but both will do. Double points if Lily Cole (who is clearly the ultimate gypsy), Mellisa Clarke, or nude. Real preferred over drawn.

noko 11/08/10(Wed)04:49 No. 17621 ID: 526d3a

noko 11/08/10(Wed)04:56 No. 17622 ID: 526d3a

Anonymous 11/08/11(Thu)11:17 No. 17634 ID: 981977

File 131305424942.jpg - (109.99KB , 550x817 , Gypsy.jpg )

Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)18:22 No. 17648 ID: 149dd6

File 131351173777.jpg - (89.25KB , 480x720 , mnd.jpg )

Anonymous 11/08/24(Wed)01:33 No. 17677 ID: 0bd6f7

File 131414242945.jpg - (138.26KB , 600x400 , RainbowGathering23.jpg )

Anonymous 11/08/26(Fri)21:44 No. 17699 ID: 7926d9

File 131438787330.jpg - (352.25KB , 665x1000 , Sisters-34.jpg )

Anonymous 11/08/28(Sun)15:36 No. 17707 ID: 13531d

Dear OP

I think you never see gypsy:
dark brown/black eyes
dark brown/black hair
light/dark brown skin

They are not same than Brad Pitt pit from Snatch

Anonymous 11/09/04(Sun)14:10 No. 17772 ID: a4d790


Anonymous 13/01/02(Wed)13:40 No. 21618 ID: 8fe002

Slavfag I presume?

Anonymous 13/01/06(Sun)19:07 No. 21619 ID: 38a8c7

I visually perceive the activity you engaged in at this location.

Anonymous 13/08/09(Fri)21:35 No. 22047 ID: 280f65

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