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/unf/ - Uniforms

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Anonymous 10/02/01(Mon)09:14 No. 10093 ID: 6298ee

File 126501209329.jpg - (245.43KB , 990x698 , o22_20412917.jpg )

Not saying I have more. But more would be appreciated if others have.


Anonymous 10/02/01(Mon)09:19 No. 10094 ID: 6298ee

File 126501237296.jpg - (518.32KB , 964x1100 , Dirndl3.jpg )


Rather, "dirndl". But you knew what I meant...

Anonymous 10/02/01(Mon)09:27 No. 10095 ID: 6298ee

Anonymous 10/02/01(Mon)09:29 No. 10096 ID: 6298ee

Anonymous 10/02/01(Mon)20:57 No. 10097 ID: 3bea1c

Anonymous 10/02/10(Wed)07:22 No. 11924 ID: 9deca8


wow... Anonymous 10/02/15(Mon)06:24 No. 11961 ID: 21b20e

these (including the video) redefine the definition of hot... seriously...

Anonymous 10/02/16(Tue)12:50 No. 11977 ID: ad64b6


what's with the bad mexican restaurant music? YES I SAID I'D LIKE SOME MORE SALSA GODDAMIT

Anonymous 10/02/18(Thu)22:36 No. 12023 ID: 9deca8

Whaaat? That's totally a Waltz, which is a German style of music.

Anonymous 10/02/20(Sat)23:09 No. 12048 ID: 7299e7

Wow, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

Anonymous 10/02/22(Mon)15:45 No. 12061 ID: 28a079

Waltz = German type of music? Wow, austrian people might be offended by this. ^^

Anonymous 10/02/22(Mon)22:23 No. 12062 ID: 9deca8

Sorry, just meant that region of the world. You know, the part that doesn't have Mexico in it.

Anonymous 10/02/24(Wed)21:36 No. 12067 ID: c7cc17

File 126704379387.jpg - (25.90KB , 337x423 , golf_trophy_blowjob.jpg )

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:03 No. 12069 ID: 9609b7

File 126709943670.jpg - (163.50KB , 1169x1559 , 83523.jpg )

Sure is fail in here. I guess no one will notice if I add to the fail.

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:31 No. 12070 ID: 9609b7

Hopefully the following images will teach you only ugly girls cosplay.

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:32 No. 12071 ID: 9609b7

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:34 No. 12072 ID: 9609b7

One lederhosen cosplayer was so ugly they had to focus on the sausage.

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:35 No. 12073 ID: 9609b7

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:36 No. 12074 ID: 9609b7

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:37 No. 12075 ID: 9609b7

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:37 No. 12076 ID: 9609b7

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:38 No. 12077 ID: 9609b7

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:39 No. 12078 ID: 9609b7

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)13:39 No. 12079 ID: 9609b7

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)21:03 No. 12080 ID: 7951f2

I wouldn't mind havin some actual Lederhosen in here, too~

Anonymous 10/02/25(Thu)21:06 No. 12081 ID: 7951f2

Anonymous 10/03/07(Sun)06:55 No. 12165 ID: 21b20e

cmon! there has to be more!

Anonymous 10/03/08(Mon)13:05 No. 12180 ID: a52ade

Omg, why didn't I ever think of this before! Lederhosen are so hot! <3

Anonymous 10/03/09(Tue)11:51 No. 12186 ID: 5a3489

File 12681319047.jpg - (53.62KB , 378x501 , lederhose2.jpg )

Anonymous 10/03/15(Mon)00:25 No. 12209 ID: 7299e7

Austrians are as German as Bavarians, Berliner and Saxons. There were just some unfortunate historic events that prevented a unification. Look up Kleindeutschland and Großdeutschland.

More Lederhosen please. I didn't even know how much I want this.

Anonymous 10/06/23(Wed)04:43 No. 12283 ID: 3b4050


Justin Bieber?

Anonymous 11/01/29(Sat)15:08 No. 14904 ID: 398740

File 129631011516.jpg - (380.68KB , 2000x1333 , 123213.jpg )

You're welcome.

Anonymous 11/01/29(Sat)20:27 No. 14905 ID: ac61d8

i almost thought this thread was dead.

Anonymous 11/03/21(Mon)12:44 No. 16732 ID: d175b0

File 130070784559.jpg - (55.81KB , 480x640 , 1212252658874.jpg )

boumei 11/03/28(Mon)14:27 No. 16825 ID: efb009

File 130131527237.gif - (209.31KB , 218x184 , costume;cowgirl;german;.gif )

Anonymous 11/04/30(Sat)13:25 No. 17071 ID: 5e8c27

File 130416270157.jpg - (385.80KB , 2000x1500 , artistic-cosplay-009.jpg )

Anonymous 11/05/01(Sun)16:44 No. 17075 ID: 6b3243


fucking sauce now

Greag 11/05/02(Mon)09:55 No. 17076 ID: 14cb28

Oh, what's going on in this thre- Holy fuck, that is hot.


Anonymous 11/05/07(Sat)15:28 No. 17120 ID: da12eb

This >>16825
is from The Weather Man

Anonymous 12/07/30(Mon)09:28 No. 20863 ID: 56ada7

More? Bump

Anonymous 12/10/27(Sat)10:49 No. 21006 ID: 8a4a36

Big beer and big cleavage

It dosn't get much better than that.

Well I guess you could pour the beer over the cleavage then you'd have beer flavoured tittys

Anonymous 12/11/15(Thu)08:17 No. 21138 ID: 8dece7

File 135296387255.jpg - (172.54KB , 1387x695 , 0509246261.jpg )

Anonymous 20/12/06(Sun)06:07 No. 25261 ID: 8ef9b6

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