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Anonymous 17/10/07(Sat)20:59 No. 130865

File 150740274666.png - (147.59KB , 209x320 , A91239BF-6916-43D0-B3B4-212B9426DCB4.png )

Grabbed it on torrent, it is shit. Bunch of uninspired random tables being passed off as ‘gonzo’. Pundit likes to pretend to be the Hunter S Thompson of the RPG world but is a fucking right wing poseur. Dungeonchef: Do. Not. Buy.

Anonymous 17/10/10(Tue)20:04 No. 130885

I coulda told you he's a right-siding normie wanker... Albion is alright, as well as his Indian fantasy setting, but Tarnowski himself is a premium fuckhead.

Anonymous 17/10/11(Wed)00:00 No. 130887

Could I run it with Zweihander?

Anonymous 17/10/15(Sun)10:37 No. 130913


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