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Zweihänder meets Fall of Magic Anonymous 17/10/03(Tue)10:50 No. 130823

File 150702060364.jpg - (159.50KB , 1200x600 , FOM-Mockup.jpg )

How would you run Zweihänder in the setting from Fall of Magic? If you could afford the books that is...

Anonymous 17/10/03(Tue)20:47 No. 130828

I would certainly run it grim and perilous.

Anonymous 17/10/03(Tue)23:13 No. 130832

I would run it like a boss.

Anonymous 17/10/04(Wed)10:50 No. 130838

Magical talking deers and foxes?

Anonymous+Anon 17/10/06(Fri)19:53 No. 130849


The 'good' thing about Zweihänder, is that the hardcover is heavy enough to really hurt. So if you have both game,hit yourself in the head with the book until you forget about them and find a real game to play.

Anonymous 17/10/08(Sun)09:42 No. 130872

Yeah, Zweihander is flexible enough to do that!

Anonymous 17/10/09(Mon)10:06 No. 130876

Best setting for best game.

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