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PDF optimization questions valkyrie 17/08/31(Thu)13:33 No. 128983

File 150417920334.jpg - (55.06KB , 670x335 , recover-pdf-670x335.jpg )

Hi guys,

So I've been searching for good scans for the Horus Heresy (game) series for a while now, and I've only managed to find some HUGE pdf scans in the range of 500-900mb. Some at least have nice page formatting, but some are also pretty horrible scans, with page folding, over-exposure etc. I would like to clean them up and shrink them down so I can contribute them back to the community, but I have never actually attempted this sorta thing before. I would like to learn though, and would appreciate any tips and techniques /tg could give me.

Thanks in advance,


Anonymous 17/09/01(Fri)02:03 No. 129021

To go with the above, what's a good resource for fonts like "Good OT" and similar should we have to remake a page?

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