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guidance on new char dnd 5e Hisfattness 17/04/22(Sat)10:47 No. 121152

File 149285082133.jpg - (129.99KB , 600x750 , dungeons.jpg )

So my character came to an untimely death. this i accept as my own fault. Though knowing my dm i expected more roleplaying and an opportunity to have said more but alas I died. to my dismay. So i rolled. Now he's hardcore no reroll and rolls go in order no moving. So i got lucky and rolled well but not into my comfort zone of classes. I love rogues,not big on spellcasters but i can if i have too. so i'd love some help. Also we are running undermountain and he's totally radomizing it. So thanks in advance. Also i start at level 5. just to help and only nono is no dragonborn.
Strength 10
Constitution 8
Intelligence 13

Thanks osrry for shit spelling. to lazy to fix. Also totally down to play a hot chick who uses it to her advantage .

Mr Slayer 17/04/22(Sat)14:20 No. 121163

With those stats, avoid melee.
I would go with Bard (the best skill monkey in the game) and take Urchin background for Thieves Tools proficiency.
For more spell versatility, add 4 levels of Cleric (Knowledge) as you go. That could also get you Heavy Armour proficiency, since your Dex is likely low, that might be useful.

we already have a bard Hisfattness 17/04/23(Sun)05:07 No. 121208

Also don't really want to play a bard just not my style of rping. I figured with race bonus and level bonus to stats i could get a little wiggle room. Was considering mystic. Think it would be fun.

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)10:22 No. 121329

With Wisdom as your best stat, you'll want to capitalize on that; I'd suggest going Druid. Wild Shape will help get past any drawbacks from your physical stats, and Shaleileigh will give you some offensive power that uses your Wisdom.

With your Charisma, you can also multiclass into Warlock or Sorcerer if you want some more offensive magic.

Your constitution score means you won't be able to take too many hits, but if you pick a race with a con bonus, that'll help mitigate it a bit.

Anonymous 17/05/03(Wed)05:22 No. 121601

had a dm that did this, the result?
an awful lot of character deaths. Want to be a rogue? you play a melee wizard- then roll again
have a catchphrase, make the death memorable.

Anonymous 18/03/03(Sat)14:40 No. 131206

Or... play to the opposite of your abilities for fun (and possibly to piss off a super strict DM). Be the kid whose parents trained him to be a cleric, but who always wanted to be a thief, so is really shitty at it.

Anonymous 18/09/03(Mon)15:25 No. 131404

did you roll those stats on 3d6 or something? take a race with a con bonus and go cleric or druid so you're not totally squishy. if you die with that character, no big. you're likely to roll better especially if you're using 4d6 drop lowest. If i had a player roll like you did, i'd let them just do point buy as phb instead. I see that as the baseline stats for encounter balance.

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