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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Unisystem) Anon!moNoTOnous 17/03/12(Sun)18:52 No. 119357

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When I first learned that there was actually a roleplaying game about this (The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness), I knew I had to get my hands on a copy of it. Then I realized two things that made the game unsuitable for what I wanted to do with it: first, it was the Palladium System, which I find awkward and cumbersome. Yet, what made me discard this was that ALL NPCS must be some kind of animals. A core element of every cartoon adaptation and all comic versions -starting with the original Mirage Comics- was the "everything and the kitchen sink" cast, featuring cyborgs, robots, aliens, mundane-but-extremely-badass humans, and so on.
So, I thought the Unisystem, using literally a single dice for all the throws that matter, and having an assload of supplementary material, would fit my needs. What I needed was Qualities and Drawbacks that I could use to generate characters that were:
>Any combination of the afforementioned

Two of the solutions came right from the All Flesh Must Be Eaten supplements. If you're unfamiliar with AFMBE's supplements, you shall know they're mostly "Zombies and Shit", in which you could easily remove the "Zombie" part and you'd have a solid book for "Shit: the RPG". For instance, if you take out the zombies from "Fistful O' Zombies" you still have a nice book for Wild West and spaghetti western campaigns, and if you take the walking dead out of "Argh! Thar Be Zombies!" you'd have a pirate RPG sourcebook, with rules for nautical combat and swashbuckling stuff.

So I took All Tomorrow's Zombies (Zombies in spaaaace!) and took the whole Robot/Cyborg shit, plus some futuristic weapons and armor for good measure, and moved on to the second most important book.

Enter The Zombie has all the martial arts/gun fu/chi techniques down to a science, so I took the whole thing, plus armor and weapons. Having the Ninja part taken care of, I needed to sort out the Turtle Part.

Anon!moNoTOnous 17/03/12(Sun)18:58 No. 119358

Meant "all PCs", my bad.

So, I had to get mutant features, and that's when Terra Primate comes into play. Granted, It's a "Planet of the Apes" RPG, but part 6 of the corebook ("Going Ape") has qualities and drawbacks generic enough to make mostly any species.
Then I made most of character generation Drawbacks, Qualities and Skills available for any character. For the rest, I created special Qualities like Master and Psy that enable players to use chi abilities and psionics, and other template-ish Qualities like Robot, Cyborg, and Mutant to give access to the Qualities, Skills and Drawbacks that applied to each.

The concepts the players came up with were quite amusing, TBQFH, and proved it was a solid system: an exact copy of Robocop -minus a couple of gadgets-, a High Visibility Ninja looking like The Ultimate Warrior in a star-spangled shozoko that somehow had an insane Stealth ability, a chinese gunfighter that couldn't throw a punch to save her life, a made-man hyena whose front was a comedy club, a crusader turned giant owl right out of Ga'hoole...

I had fun with this shit. I'll leave it here so you can try it if you wish.

Anonymous+Anon 17/03/12(Sun)19:43 No. 119361

LOL What you are saying about PC's isn't true. You can make humans just fine. Just pull out your copy of Transdimensional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The game came out with quite a lot of extra books. I think there was robot/cyborg/alien stuff in one of the books too but you could also look at ninja's and superspies as it has all your cyborg/ninja needs.

Anon!moNoTOnous 17/03/13(Mon)01:16 No. 119376

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>What you are saying about PC's isn't true. You can make humans just fine. Just pull out your copy of Transdimensional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Once I got the corebook and saw what I wanted wasn't there and that the system was Palladium, I decided I shouldn't bother with it. Trying to get the supplements just to see IF what I wanted could be there, would be a monumental waste of time.
Also single dice.


Anonymous+Anon 17/03/13(Mon)02:48 No. 119389

You didn't even have to look at the supplements themselves. A simple web search or JUST looking at the wiki page would have given you the information. "This book also introduces the idea of mutant humans and features advanced psionic rules." You must really hate palladium to not take the minute it took to find the information.

Myself, I've always been less than excited over the Unisystem after seeing it in action with Buffy. It just seemed 'meh'. However, I can use the same search to very easily tell that the supplements cover All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Armageddon, Conspiracy X 2.0, Terra Primate, WitchCraft, Angel, Army of Darkness and Ghosts of Albion. Took me all of a few seconds.

In the end I just enjoy palladium so much more than Unisystem even though it can be a train wreck sometimes.

I guess I should ask, just what was the reason for this thread? Just giving a roadmap for people trying to use Unisystem with TMNT?

PS: yeah, that captcha I something today. :(

Anon!moNoTOnous 17/03/13(Mon)06:25 No. 119400

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>I guess I should ask, just what was the reason for this thread? Just giving a roadmap for people trying to use Unisystem with TMNT?
>"I had fun with this shit. I'll leave it here so you can try it if you wish."
Read the whole post or you might end asking things already answered.

>You must really hate palladium to not take the minute it took to find the information.

Half that and half "not gonna go chasing things that might or might not be there when I could use the stuff I already know and master"

>Myself, I've always been less than excited over the Unisystem after seeing it in action with Buffy. It just seemed 'meh'.
No, no, no. Unisystem comes in two flavors, Cinematic (Angel, Buffy, Ghosts of Albion, Army of Darkness, Beyond Human) and Classic (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Armageddon, Conspiracy X 2.0, Terra Primate and WitchCraft). I favor Classic over the simplified Cinematic, for it's more strict with the rules.

>However, I can use the same search to very easily tell that the supplements cover All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Armageddon, Conspiracy X 2.0, Terra Primate, WitchCraft, Angel, Army of Darkness and Ghosts of Albion. Took me all of a few seconds.
The supplements do NOT cover Army of Darkness, Ghosts Of Albion or Terra Primate, nor are they supplements to anything else. Maybe you should have taken another couple of seconds.

Anonymous+Anon 17/03/13(Mon)18:47 No. 119426

#1 I read the posts, just trying to get a conformation of intent.

#2 Oh I understand [I have systems I dislike too], just pointing out that it REALLY didn't take any time to find out the info you said you didn't have.

#3 I've also seen All Flesh Must Be Eaten and wasn't any more excited about it's being Classic vs Cinematic. Buffy was just my first 'meh' and was an example, but my comments in my posts cover both 'flavors'.

#4 "Army of Darkness, Ghosts Of Albion or Terra Primate": You yourself note them just one paragraph up in your post, so I'm guessing you are arguing some kind of semantics [and I checked and they all have "GAME SYSTEM: UNISYSTEM". I'm using supplement to mean something that's adding on to the core system. [Unisystem [core] + supplement [setting book].

#5 You seem to like Unisystem, so I'll say Happy Gaming.

My posts where never really about 'one system is better' but letting everyone know it's super easy, in this day and age, to find out what books come along with a system and find out that they cover. It's not like the old days when you had to track down a physical book and thumb through the pages to see it'll suit you. We ARE on a site where you can most likely download them all and 'thumb' through them digitally if you wish if you wish though.

Anonymous 17/03/14(Tue)00:36 No. 119438

>My posts where never really about 'one system is better' but letting everyone know it's super easy, in this day and age, to find out what books come along with a system and find out that they cover.

Point taken.

darth+sithicus 18/01/11(Thu)05:10 No. 131153

also, you mixed several rpgs just to get the combo you wanted instead of reviewing the possibilities in the existing sets. gurps has sooooo many suppliments, it will have what you want somewhere. original marvel series could do it. hell, there was a world of darkness suppliment call bygone bestiary that would have made mutant animals possible, and thus WoD a contender.

Anonymous 18/12/19(Wed)01:03 No. 131463

I too started with TMNT & Other Strangeness. The rules aren’t bad just poorly explained.

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