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/ss/ - Straight Shotacon A board for general straight shota content

1. Straight shota content only. A female must also be involved.
2. There is a "Shota General" board (/sh/). Use it for solo, bisexual, gay, trans, and other non-straight shota stuff.
3. If posting a full doujin, create a new thread for it.
4. Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
5. Western cartoons are fine, as long as they're good quality. 3D CG is fine as well, as long as it's good quality and not too realistic. If you're unsure if it's too realistic, it probably is.
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  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

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Pixiv artist deleted his/her content Anonymous 23/09/15(Fri)14:40 No. 37152

File 169478164067.png - (26.12KB , 1546x911 , Desktop Screenshot 2023_09_15 - 18_12_10_31.png )

The artist is called impish and made skyrim porn of female orcs with shotas and when i checked his/her account it was completely deleted. Does anyone know of an archive place or a site that i can view the stuff? the only other place i could find is sankaku but is a measly amount

Anonymous 23/09/15(Fri)14:42 No. 37153

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