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Anonymous 20/12/29(Tue)21:59 No. 17179 ID: 6cedb9

File 160927557560.jpg - (3.14KB , 200x125 , C__Data_Users_DefApps_Windows Phone_AppData_INTERN.jpg )

Why is the moon no longer called a planet?

Anonymous 21/01/04(Mon)21:17 No. 17186 ID: f8bbab

It never was, not in any culture. This is because the nomenclature evolved before anyone knew the other planets were actual solid (or, well, gaseous) balls rather than points of light.

Anonymous 21/01/10(Sun)18:45 No. 17198 ID: a2857d

It is a planet from a philosophical perspective but not the scientific perspective..
So before science was mature, it was probably called a planet.

Anonymous 21/01/11(Mon)00:06 No. 17199 ID: 0a137a

>It is a planet from a philosophical perspective but not the scientific perspective..
>So before science was mature, it was probably called a planet.

Back before we knew of other planets there were three* entities in the sky, the sun, the moon and stars. The sun and moon are pretty unique in the sky, it's hard to get them mixed up with anything else. Stars were a different matter and came in two varieties, (fixed) stars and wandering stars:

- (Fixed) stars are the stars we know today, static points of light that barely move relative to each other even as the night sky itself moves.

- Wandering stars were "stars" that appeared to move across the night sky. These are what we have since identified as planets, comets and such.

*in some early cultures clouds were also treated as part of the same sky.

Anonymous 21/01/16(Sat)16:40 No. 17211 ID: ccd333

because it has completely submitted to earth's gravity.

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