I don't know what extinction rebellion is. If I had a standing that actually resulted in action (rather than the reality, which is standing back and doing nothing) it would be as an accelerationist with an end-goal of primitivism. That is, I believe collapse is imminent and totally unavoidable, but my goal isn't to delay it, but to SPEED IT UP. People have their various reasons for this, often malevolent (they want humanity to burn), but for me it's more like tough-love.
I see humanity like a plant that has outgrown its garden and is dying from lack of nutrients. Since transplantation is impossible (in this case, going to another planet), the only way to save it is to prune it. This requires decisive action, because waiting too long will only make things worse. If things toddle along in a slow collapse until the end of the century, the environment and depletion of natural resources will be much more severe and the world will be much bleaker for the survivors. Contrast this to the opposite logical extreme, which is a massive nuclear war happens tomorrow and 7 billion people die by the end of the year. The difference is, in this case large-scale carbon emissions immediately cease, plastic stops being dumped into the oceans, useful materials stop being taken from the earth and converted into meaningless and redundant electronic gadgets that will quickly get thrown away, and biodiversity stops being hunted to extinction.
Make no mistake; I fully realize that there is no hope for a future "recovery". I don't think that if collapse happens now, some future civilization will be able to arise and rise again. That ship has sailed, so to speak. The only hope for humanity is to return to living off of the land as small, isolated hunter-gatherer tribes. Hence the "primitivism" side of things. This has the added benefit of resulting in a world that humans originally evolved to live in, meaning they will be physically healthier and psychologically happier.
By the end of the century there will probably be less than a billion people left alive, scattered and broken, no matter what the fuck we do right now. The difference is, how much of an Earth are they going to have left to live off of?