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Starting Math Major soon, how to approach? RedRobin9688 18/07/14(Sat)11:25 No. 16675 ID: 241c58

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I move in 8/5/18 and intend to Major in Mathematics, there are four options (Pure, Applied, Applied Stats, Actuarial) which should I formally choose to actually succeed? Should I double major? and if so what in? I'd appreciate the help, I don't want to move in with the parents after school.

Anonymous 18/07/17(Tue)22:07 No. 16677 ID: 953c1f

Applied if you want a real job. Pure if you want to do research. I don't know much about the other two, though.

Anonymous 18/07/20(Fri)20:31 No. 16678 ID: 48d322

Acturial is like accounting sort of. I don't know how to descrive.

Anonymous 18/09/28(Fri)21:03 No. 16697 ID: 4f487e

Acturials are the end boss of accountants.

Anonymous 18/10/22(Mon)09:24 No. 16711 ID: 848b2c

Actuarial are accountants for companies, rather than for individuals. They deal with statistics, mostly, to determine what might happen with a given set of starting variables. Most visibly, actuarial tables are what these people produce for life insurance companies, so they can guess at what age you're likely to die (based on sex, height/weight, blood tests, diet, lifestyle, and increasingly: genes) and adjust your rate accordingly so that they are most likely to profit.

Anonymous 19/03/02(Sat)06:44 No. 16754 ID: 13825c

Applied if you want to work on real world problems.
Pure if you want to work on problems we couldn't possible test or might not happen in reality.
Applied Stats if you hate life and are boring.
Actuarial if you don't mind having no soul for a lot of money.

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