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bank account getting drained from hackers Anonymous 17/07/17(Mon)01:09 No. 16526 ID: 030037

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Theoretically, how fucked up would I be if someone used a keylogger on my machine for a few month and leaked my bank account details (online password, PIN, security questions etc) on the Darkweb?

Not worried at all but I just wonder how good these computer hackers are at clearing accounts. Aren't there limits depending on the level of your account? They definitely can get around I.P alerts when accounts are accessed in different countries.

Anonymous 17/07/17(Mon)22:25 No. 16527 ID: 33427e

How fucked? Well, completely.

But to do any of that they would have to get administrative access on your system, and if they get that kind of control they could just zombify your computer and get a constant revenue stream from you.

Breaking into a computer to get information on a single credit card is not very efficient. Getting into a bigger system to steal information on hundreds of credits cards, now that's more interesting.

Still, if you were to do the following you could be reasonably protected:
1. Put a hardware firewall between your computer and the Internet. Block all incoming and outgoing connections. Disable UPnP.
2. Put an HTTP proxy on the inside the firewall. The firewall should allow the proxy to connect to things outside, but not to open ports.
3. The proxy should block all domains except those of your bank.
4. Your browser should talk to the proxy to connect to the bank.
5. The computer should never leave the network nor should the network ever be reconfigured. (Corollary: that computer can never be used for anything other than connecting to the bank.)
If you do this, in order to get your keystrokes an adversary would have to take control of both your computer and either the firewall, the proxy, or the bank.

Anonymous 17/09/09(Sat)02:30 No. 16544 ID: 8b7ae4

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>how fucked up would I be if someone used a keylogger on my machine for a few month and leaked my bank account details
Fucked harder than a $2 Thai whore spending the night with 20 rapists on cocaine.
>Aren't there limits depending on the level of your account?
Usually, it depends.
>They definitely can get around I.P alerts when accounts are accessed in different countries.
If you're talking about location based monitoring then no. I was once traveling about 1200 miles by car for a vacation across the country and tried to spend like $300 for one item on a credit card and it wouldn't let me.

Anyways, never do online banking. If you want to use Amazon or something, go to the bank and take out like $500 in cash and then load it all onto a gift card at a gas station and just that as the card that you attach to your account and use all fake information accept for your address of course. If the account is ever compromised you'll only be out $500 or less. Do this for everything including PayPal. Also never go through drive-throughs or anywhere that a card could be out of sight, and if you do then pay in cash. I know this sounds like a lot but just don't be fucking lazy and you'll stay safe. Nothing is unhackable but you can certainly make yourself an unappealing target.

TLDR shoot for one egg per basket.

Anonymous 17/09/26(Tue)08:06 No. 16551 ID: fbe3c3

If you're not using some kind of shitty bank, your funds and your credit cards should be insured (to the tune of a couple million, I think) by the FDIC. Should anyone clear your accounts and you can prove it was fraudulent, you'll be able to recover what you have lost. However, the amount of time it will take might still leave you in a difficult position, and it won't fix your credit score.

Anonymous 17/10/29(Sun)14:48 No. 16571 ID: 7087c4

You'd be fine

Anonymous 17/11/06(Mon)19:26 No. 16575 ID: 7b1c18

Hackers prefer to target businesses for large transactions, because they know few people have $100,000 lying around, while a huge number of businesses have access to that much credit.

Anonymous 18/04/15(Sun)20:14 No. 16647 ID: a66c44

There is this new satoshi dice address for BTC.
Address is bc1quykuahxrjx6d3h6ga4rkyg0hl5e59tcthqyhw6.

I found this while scanning pastebin

Here are the instructions on how to verify the provably fair roll.

Anonymous 23/06/22(Thu)14:04 No. 18677 ID: 88736e

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Let me ponder your enquiry

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