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Hey I have question about mephedrone (and related substances like 3-mmc, 3-cmc and 4-cmc, they are basically sold interchangably in my area).
What is the pace of the tolerance drop?
I built up pretty significant one taking a lot of it weekly for the last 6 months. Now i basically need doses 4 times larger than at the beginning. This is obviously uneconomical and snorting lines of that size is also pretty uncomfortable.
Now I’m planning to make a month-long break. Will this be enough to at least halve the tolerance? I feel part of it is permanent, but how much can I reduce it?
Also, what substances have significant cross-tolerance with mephedrone? I need something for parties during break from meow.
Specifically I’m interested in amphetamine (regular one, not meth) and a-pvp. Would taking those during break spoil my efforts?