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s-ketamine Dr. Anon 23/05/06(Sat)00:52 No. 14449

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My ketamine supplier has recently started claiming they have both isomers of ketamine for sale. I find this unlikely though and I think it's just a marketing tactic. But they charge the same for both, and it's the same price as when they sold it as racemic. So I don't understand the point of that.

Or do you guys think it's really possible that they have enantiomerically pure ketamine? I suppose they could be diverting s-ketamine from the antidepressant supply, but where would they be getting r-ketamine from?

Though I think it is just racemic I went for the S variety just in case they aren't bullshitting. In any case I'm planning on snorting it tonight.

Dr. Anon 23/05/13(Sat)01:55 No. 14460

Oh I totally forgot I made this thread after I tripped.

It was just normal ketamine I think.

Dr. Anon 23/05/13(Sat)21:48 No. 14464


I asked some one who knows about k
It's k with one extra molecule added, probably an oxygen one.
I'm guessing you had just as fun as normal.

It's like lsd 1, same kind of thing.
You posted again so i'm also guessing your ok.
take anon, hope this was a little bit halpful

Dr. Anon 23/05/14(Sun)08:59 No. 14465

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Go for steroids, man.

Dr. Anon 23/05/20(Sat)09:21 No. 14467

How the fuck do you even go about finding roids?

Dr. Anon 23/05/25(Thu)00:04 No. 14469


Really you can't that out??

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