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Dr. Anon 23/04/28(Fri)05:13 No. 14442

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Is there some sort of trick to achieving a DMT breakthrough? I smoked some and the colors become nice (white in particular becomes milky). I smoked even more and got a buzzing in my ears like a snake and if I focused really hard I would get a kind of shaking and distortion or see some patterns on some objects but that was it. My lungs couldn't take anymore.
I wanted to go on ayahuasca retreat and even found a shaman for it, but that costs €750 and is on a weekend that I can't get off work.

Dr. Anon 23/04/30(Sun)22:13 No. 14446

Leather lungs from all the weed or impeccable vaporization technique and tools.

>Smokes Quantity by BoC

Dr. Anon 23/05/02(Tue)03:02 No. 14447

Don't like weed, but you're right, getting it to vaporize with a crack pipe sucks, but I still got it in me.
I'm not going to buy some huge device and I've heard that the DMT eliquids can kill you.

Dr. Anon 23/05/11(Thu)00:31 No. 14458

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But shamaman is going to enlighten you of $750
Just think of that weight taken off your hands

Dr. Anon 24/05/31(Fri)00:26 No. 14585

100mg in a banger/dab rig.
cold start it, pull and clear
should work with your first full rip

Dr. Anon 25/01/24(Fri)05:12 No. 14659

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Jesus christ.

Dr. Anon 25/02/11(Tue)08:00 No. 14669

Bad advice for dmt. Make the machine instead and use generous amount of steel wool and like suggested load up like 80mg if not 100.

Also I don't want to make this advice, but it really does work which is smoke weed for a couple of weeks or a month prior. This will make your lungs much more resistant and much less sensitive to DMT vapor. Back when I smoked weed I couldn inhale fucking thick white clouds of it.

For my first breakthrough I needed close to or around 70 mg. For my later ones I went probably all the way down to 20 mg, because something happens and your brain just pieces things together and you don't need the full dose for the full experience. I mean of course 20 mg is going to be less intense, but it can be enough to trigger the Cascade and off you go.

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