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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

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Dr. Anon 23/04/12(Wed)13:10 No. 14424

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What are the best drugs to get prescribed by a doctor? How do you get them to be prescribed? Once they're prescribed, how do you use them?

Dr. Anon 23/04/12(Wed)18:20 No. 14425

Probably xanax.

Dr. Anon 23/04/14(Fri)02:50 No. 14426

you have to be 12 unless its xanax because for some reason they won't give you that if you're a minor but also if you're an adult you won't get it so you won't get it anyways at least thats what my experience has been
only valuable drugs ive been given was adderall. honorable mentions include 2 weeks of ativan after serotonin syndrome irritability and i guess gabapentin

Dr. Anon 23/04/14(Fri)21:56 No. 14427

methylphenidate / ritalin becuase you want to be skinny and can stay awake or focus in the day, then some good benzos to sleep nice coz of your insomnia....maybe something for the backache too to get the full body chill

Dr. Anon 23/04/15(Sat)04:32 No. 14428

Oxy cotton, and you have to be near death.

Dr. Anon 23/04/23(Sun)13:30 No. 14438

Adderall, Ritalin, Xanax, Ambien, Soma, Oxycontin, Rivotril, Valium, Versed, Seroquel, promethazine, hydroxyzine, and probably a lot more

Dr. Anon 23/04/25(Tue)04:20 No. 14439


Not only is it just cocaine, but it has great resell value and won't kill your customers unlike opiates

Dr. Anon 23/05/06(Sat)00:57 No. 14450

Cocaine is way better than amphetamine my guy. Amphetamines are still great for what you can get from a doctor though.

Dr. Anon 23/05/06(Sat)03:16 No. 14451

I would disagree. It's very easy to overdose on cocaine. Another thing is that amphetamines don't usually make people crazy aggressive like coke does.

Dr. Anon 23/05/06(Sat)20:19 No. 14452

>Another thing is that amphetamines don't usually make people crazy aggressive like coke does.
funny because i hear people say the opposite or just both stims being like that. this is probably a case of the user and not the drug causing that issue

Dr. Anon 23/05/06(Sat)20:20 No. 14453

also cocaine is just MOAR where speed and that you need to keep redosing AND it's cheaper.

Dr. Anon 23/05/07(Sun)00:32 No. 14455

How do you get prescribed soma? Do I just go to my nearest doctors office and tell them I have back pain?
Is there a way to find a sham who gives you what you want?

Dr. Anon 23/05/22(Mon)00:37 No. 14468

If your in the UK best drug you can get prescribed is pregabalin. There like a general purpose drug used to treat epilepsy, anxiety and physical pain.
Take 2 300mg pills and you feel like you are just floating around pure happy. Dont drink alcohol and take them to they can make you quite wobbly.
My mate got hit by a car and has had them prescribed ever since. Lucky bastard.

Dr. Anon 23/05/25(Thu)05:02 No. 14470

My favourite pharm for sure. At 450 the first time I felt Shroom like euphoria. Then it just became the drug of happiness. Miss it Big time

Dr. Anon 23/06/22(Thu)18:29 No. 14481

Idk, i got prescribed a lot of stuff for psychosis issues

I felt sedation when i first got prescribed my cocktail but im betting it was Benztropine that caused it. I was also prescribed Ativan, Risperidone, and Olanzapine.

Ativan was pretty fun when i took a few. I find sublingual administration is superior to any other form of ingestion

Dr. Anon 23/06/26(Mon)23:25 No. 14483



Did you ever read all the side affects
I swear one of them really rare ones was
Sudden unexplained death

stay safe anon

Dr. Anon 23/06/29(Thu)13:10 No. 14484

>I swear one of them really rare ones was
Sudden unexplained death

I bet, neuroleptics (which practically translates to nerve kiler) have all kinds of bad shit attached but is usually required unfortunately but not strictly necessary.

Dr. Anon 23/07/14(Fri)21:20 No. 14490


SSRI and Anti psychotics make you retarded.

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