I love the visuals and they can feel great sometimes, but I also get a weird bodyload saw well sometimes, doing them outside is a game changer
Different but just as good visuals as shrooms, I love the color changes, I also love the electric stimulating effect, and clearer head space, the negatives are that I feel it is easier to get freaked out on it, it lasts like 12 hours, and sometimes it makes me have to shit, which isn’t great when I’m outside.
Vaped once, I got a buzz which made me feel just a bit off, not unpleasant really and I want to try again and try to break through
Really fun sometimes if I’m alone, I love taking and edible after a long day, or going up to my smoke spot at the park at like midnight, then just listening to some music, watching a movie, or eating some food, but it can also give me anxiety with other people, and makes me feel lazy and stupid if I overdo it
Hangovers suck, but I don’t really get them to bad even after like 15 shots, alcohol is just relaxing and makes everything fun, I always want to go on an adventure, also karaoke is super fun drunk, I always cringe when stoners hate on alcohol, it’s been man’s drug of choice for thousands of years for a reason
It was slightly relaxing and euphoric, but it mostly just seemed like the negatives of opioids (hot, nausea, itchiness) with only a mild high, and I’ve done up to 8 grams
I love it, mild euphoria, but it just makes everything more enjoyable overall (especially music) and helps me focus, downside is the comedown and the fact that it shrinks your dick lol
Similar to Adderall with a little less of a rush, and way longer lasting, however it also effects my diet and my sleep way more than Adderall which makes the comedown hell for me
I did half a pill twice many years ago, I only feel the high very slightly, but what I did feel was amazing, I could tell if I did a bit more I just would have been in a state of absolute bliss and comfort
Didn’t do enough to trip, just got sleepy and a little bit dissociated, but it could have even just been placebo, not sure if I would try again
>laughing gas
I had it at the doctor when I was 5, I remember being shocked that it could actually make me laugh and then fall asleep, I remember just being very comfy and getting some decent visual too (I think it was pink elephants)
>Blue Lotus
Very mild relaxing buzz, but it’s great to mix with weed, especially with some mugwort, it makes you feel more relaxed, and takes off some of the heaviness and edge from the weed
Just makes me sleepy with a very mild buzz
I don’t get the buzz much anymore so I might need a t break, but that lightheaded stimulated buzz you get at first is pretty great
Feels like a dirtier, weaker Adderall that makes me have to shit, still not bad though
Drugs which I should be trying soon: DMT (but in crystal form this time), Ketamine, Molly, and Mescaline (growing San Pedro right now).