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dr mario aka m 22/10/29(Sat)08:51 No. 14248

File https://www.youtube.com/watch?.you - (0B )

Still can't believe 420chan got fucked lol. I've finally moved to SE Asia several months ago with my new gf and wanted to share up to date info on which countries have what drugs over the counter without a prescription. Here's info on just one country.

Laos was CRAZY...biggest nitr0us balloons I've ever seen (easily 15-25ish chargers worth in each balloon) and they only cost $3-5 each. OTC 10mg v@liums for only like $0.10 per pill. OTC rit@lin, tr@m@d0l, c0d3ine, and dhc as well. A cow doctor offered to sell me 10ml ket@mine vials, but wanted $200 so I said no thanks.

The bars sold grams of unrefined 0pium for $15-30, as in it was right on the menu. There was even "@mphet@mine" (clearly just m3th) openly sold on bar menus for $20-50 per "pack"(usually around 0.5-1.5g), but I didn't buy any. Shr00m shakes were widespread. Some locals sold me a bag of like ~7-10g of pure ki-ef for something silly cheap like $5-10.

In Thailand, on the other hand, no pharmacies will sell controlled substances w/o a script anymore. Back in 2019, usually 1 in 4 pharmacies would.

Edit: added @s and shit because apparently even posting the word tr@m@dol gets you a 1hr ban here? WTF? Added youtube link because I can't post otherwise?

Dr. Anon 22/11/02(Wed)15:29 No. 14251

ayyy there he is haha good to see your still kicking, you wouldnt know me but i enjoyed reading most of your posts on stim,opi and benz. Dunno wtf you talking about with the 1hr ban thing, i have been posting here on and off for a month or two no problems.

Dr. Anon 22/11/05(Sat)04:13 No. 14254

man I miss 420chan. just found out it got taken off. I used to check it a few times a year, like catching up with an old friend. don't know what this site is really but is but I dont think there can ever be a replacement for it (at least for what it was for me)

Dr. Anon 22/11/10(Thu)10:13 No. 14260

I remember I started like 4 or 5 BWH threads on /weed/ in a row hahaha.

Dr. Anon 22/11/14(Mon)13:12 No. 14271

420chan turned me into a drug addict, no refunds only regrets. Only jk i miss it too

Dr. Anon 22/11/14(Mon)13:35 No. 14272

What are your favorite drugs anon? I think the term "drug addict" is a little bit bullshit. Just a lil bit.

Dr. Anon 22/11/15(Tue)01:05 No. 14273


guessing your a light wieght

only j king

I lost over 25 years, people look at you different even if you clean up and their still getting high, just they got a job, a wife, kids, house.

you get dealt a hand of cards play them as best you can anon
thats all I got to say right now

Dr. Anon 22/11/19(Sat)15:42 No. 14286

Nah im not all that bad to be honest, i just became more interested in drugs after 420chan thats all lol. just a sily kratom and phenibut addict that smokes lots of weed. habitual psy and dxm user, low doses though

Dr. Anon 22/12/09(Fri)23:21 No. 14315

What was the YouTube link?

Dr. Anon 22/12/11(Sun)20:54 No. 14317

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this website is (and has always been) dead but that's probably for the best. I don't want ribbit teens and 90 iq fourchen dipshits ruining my substance abuse discussion

Witch begs the question, where did all the 420chan hommies go?

Dr. Anon 22/12/13(Tue)12:49 No. 14318

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They dissipated into thin air, most of them.
The others went here and to lainchan.
The ones who know of the existence of the LC and 7chan drug boards. What's this shit about kirt being a pedo?

Dr. Anon 22/12/19(Mon)15:04 No. 14319

I kept telling them to try /pol/

Honestly whatever with websites but I hope Kirt is alright

dr. m 23/01/14(Sat)20:02 No. 14344

update: will give update on Cambodia soon. my gf had a freak accident and fell in a bonfire in Thailand. She needed skin grafts and had to go back to America. Shit sucks yo. I see her next in 4 months.

I'm in my 30s now, and as cringe as it may sound, she's in her early 20s and we're the perfect fit...seeing as I literally and metaphorically nodded off in my bowl of cheerios for who knows how many years in my past marriage.

I will say that getting scripts in thailand is EZ, or at least ritalin up to 30mg/day IR is. I hope you're all well. Ritalin is a joke compared to getting ~50-75mg/day dexedrine IR, but I guess it's something. Thai docs are afraid of benzos, as arguably they should be. Cambodia just doesn't care.

So Laos and Cambodia still don't care. But the days of getting say valium and/or ritalin OTC from various pharmacies is a no-go, which is a drastic change from as recently as 2019.

I hope you're all doing well. I wish you could see this new girl, guys. It's not a flex. I just wish you all knew that your time to shine is coming, no matter how cringe it sounds. I met her on the /r/drugs my mother's fax machine channel, and she barely does drugs. One thing lead to another, a week visit up to her, a month visit at my place etc.

But now she needs surgery and is healing 3rd degree burns. Shit happens. I apologize for basically blogging, but I'm drunk and 420ch/this site is basically dead too.

I've gotten to see all the countries in the region except Myanmar. I've been on surplus subutex for so long I almost don't care anymore.

There's life after hard drugs, guys. Cringe aside, find something healthy to fill the hole. Healthy relationships, a career like teaching or whatever, even vaping weed etc., there's options. Currently, subutex + just 10-20mg ritalin IR plugged daily seems to be doing the trick for 2mo.

Love you guys. You're not alone. If I can help somehow, please ask. These countries are SO cheap. I can spend as little as $700/mo and live in a nice apartment, alone, stomach full, with occasional women company with that budget (though I refrain because I'm in a monogamous relationship this time).

Love you guys,

The+Red+Barron 23/01/22(Sun)10:52 No. 14352

this is great info, blog or not keep it up

Ca5ch up Juliam casablances 23/03/13(Mon)03:09 No. 14410

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So good to here from you man. Always found ypu and hunter s nodsons posts informative, specifically ypurs lol. Kno you went thru a rough period around 17-19. Genuomely glad to here youre in a stable relationship now. For wats its worth im 30 and my gf is 20 lol

m ario 23/11/03(Fri)19:19 No. 14527

shamless bump so i can update whats available now in 2023 in all of SE Asia? My previous got deleted

Yeah it&!ASW1TtEETo 24/10/24(Thu)02:54 No. 14627

Back in America...don't do drugs kids

Dr. Anon 25/01/23(Thu)19:56 No. 14658

It's Mario. I leave for South America soon!

BWH 1.5mg pharma Xanax, a few mimosas, and high end kratom extract 12.5mg 7-hydroxy + 10mg pseudoindoxyl (wtf since when did kratom get so good? Love the extract tablets).

Hope you're all well. My holiday in Cambodia was amazing. I can only hope they don't ban all the good stuff. They had these bromazepam bars over there that 100% weren't bromazepam, but they smacked.

Mario 25/01/25(Sat)04:03 No. 14662

Bump BWH 30mg 07-hydroxy 30mg pseudoindoxyl kratom extract + THCa distillate

Mario 25/01/27(Mon)04:34 No. 14663


80mg 7-hydroxy+pseudoindoxyl (50+30) of kratom extract
50mg dph
1mg alprazolam
thca distillate

Anyone have any questions or want to discuss 420ch? Chances are I can answer your question.

I'll be posting from Colombia or somewhere in SA soon. Cheers.

Dr. Anon 25/02/10(Mon)21:12 No. 14668

Cheers mario, I member you from /opi/ and such. Is that pseudo an actual alk in kratom? I saw it recently at the headshop but ive been off opis for 2.5+ years after an ibogaine detox. Was wondering if it was made some synth or semi-synth alk poss, as I do not recall hearing of it being in kratom.

>weed brownie
>green tea

Mario 25/02/15(Sat)16:59 No. 14670

Pseudo is a chemical rearrangement of 7-hydroxy. IME it's subjectively about ~1.5-3x stronger, but has worse withdrawals.

I think it's less stimulating than 7-OH, and takes a bit longer to take effect. I've never had pseudo on its own though, just mixed with 7-OH.

This shit is expensive though. My current high cost me like $32. Technically it's semi-synth, though I do think it's made from kratom as the starting material.


>95mg 0pia 7-hydroxy+pseudo (55+40) kratom extract
>0.5mg pharma alprazolam
>tiny bit of THCa distillate

We both leave for Mexico this month.

Dr. Anon 25/02/15(Sat)17:37 No. 14671

Thanks for the info. Glad I quit before that stuff came around. Kratom was one of my mainstays for my 10 years of opi addiction. If you are a long time junky like me please consider doing ibogaine opiate detox, nothing like it when done right. Had my treatment in mexico actually.

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