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What happened to 420chan? Dr. Anon 22/09/15(Thu)08:30 No. 14198

File 166322342072.jpg - (190.79KB , 2048x1415 , 305964060_160870623220105_8599517395962064343_n.jpg )

What's up with the site? Did Kirt forget to pay for this month or something? Is is gone for good?

Dr. Anon 22/09/15(Thu)10:05 No. 14199

File 16632291339.png - (51.04KB , 524x369 , fr34f43rf34f.png )

This is what kirt said on pleroma.

Dr. Anon 22/09/18(Sun)01:18 No. 14201

Fucking lol. Fuck kirt but i will always love 420chan. 420 Blaze it faggot

Dr. Anon 22/09/18(Sun)07:33 No. 14206

420chan blaze it. I guess the /rx/ board with suffice for now. Uh, I mean, from the sounds of it IF kirt can get the server back then it will be coming back online

Dr. Anon 22/09/24(Sat)17:47 No. 14209

Anyone else remember when 420chn nabbed failchan's big get at the time. That was hilarious.

Dr. Anon 22/11/18(Fri)22:32 No. 14280

I don't get the hate for Kirt. Never did anything wrong to me. Never did any stupid modding, was a jackass and that's all. Hosted my favorite public forum on the net. What's his fucking crime?

Worm ran that shit into the fucking ground yet, hasn't been ousted from for like 2 years or something. How retarded is that. Kirt is a fucking angel. Bought servers with his own cash too. Ya'll should be grateful. His biggest crime is that he didn't get rid of the retarded moderation and allowed the site to die. Not referring to the feds raid, but to what happened in the last couple of years.

Dr. Anon 22/12/09(Fri)21:17 No. 14313

Yeah sounds about right. Kirt was a cool dude until all that spardot shit, i feel bad for his kid.worm got away with too much, he was an outsider as far as I'm concerned.

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