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DXM-Dextromethorphan Dr. Anon 21/11/07(Sun)22:56 No. 14021

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There seems to be lots of conflicting information on what's good and what's not. How does /rx/ go about dxm consumption?

Dr. Anon 22/02/05(Sat)04:12 No. 14043

drink a whole bottle of robo and wait

Dr. Anon 22/02/05(Sat)04:12 No. 14044

drink a whole bottle of robo and wait

Dr. Anon 22/02/05(Sat)22:38 No. 14046

Don't take dxm that's mixed with paracetamol !

Dr. Anon 22/02/27(Sun)17:27 No. 14060

dxm fucking sucks, anytime i took 720mg i just felt drowsy as fuck.

Dr. Anon 22/09/18(Sun)02:44 No. 14203

Take it with psy. Half ur usual doses of each. Shits so fucking cash

Dr. Anon 22/09/18(Sun)07:30 No. 14205

720mg is a lot. Are you sure it was dxm?

Dr. Anon 22/09/19(Mon)19:52 No. 14207

Thats what i was thinking, op what dxm was it? hbr,freebase or poli? Were you on anything else at the time or sleep deprived?

Dr. Anon 22/09/19(Mon)19:56 No. 14208

whoops not op but dude who said he just got drowsy on 720mg. actaul discussion i love the hbwrs and dxm combo. you don't need much of either like 2-4 seeds and anthing below 300mg of dxm is pretty good if you defeat or handle the potential nausea (i never had much problems but had moments of feeling bad to the core but it went quickly) jsut make sure not to eat anything for four hours before doing that

Dr. Anon 22/10/11(Tue)04:21 No. 14233

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Triple C's, Robo, Nyquil, all the same shit. just browse the cough section and do your stoner math to maximize DXM while minimizing acetaminophen and paracetamol. Drink that bottle. Commence the janglin'.

Man I kinda miss that feeling, like you're looking at life through a dense ripply puddle. Nice and warm.

Dr. Anon 22/10/11(Tue)12:55 No. 14234

CCC's are a good way to end up in a body bag. Never take DXM this way. Always take it through syrup and make sure it has no additives like Acetaminophen which will kill at high doses, or, uh.....I forget how to spell it but gasifunism will cause you to shit your brains out while tripping.

Dr. Anon 22/11/14(Mon)00:46 No. 14269

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These bad boys. Fuck taking actual cough medicine when you can just get pure freebase DXM in small 30MG tablets.

Dr. Anon 22/11/18(Fri)22:17 No. 14278

Pure powder only. It may take a larger dose, but it's the cleanest way.

1 plat per week or under bros

Dr. Anon 22/11/19(Sat)15:38 No. 14285

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I bought 1000 15mg hbr pills (little solid yellow pills) for a 100 quid off ebay from thailand. good stuff and the benefit of pre measured doses is a plus but a bit extra cash to spend due to that is the drawback. Robotabs is more preferred as freebase is more euphoric and sedating

Dr. Anon 22/11/19(Sat)17:07 No. 14287

DXM consumption can destroy you. Don't do it too much (like multiple times a week, for months can mess you up).

But a little bit is fine. It works a lot better if you smoke weed/vape THC. It feels like hacking in a videogame but you hack into reality instead.

Use Robocough+Ginger Extract and don't eat anything greasy before or it'll make you throw up.

Robocough offers 2 forms:
>DXM Freebase
If you use freebase know that the dosing is significantly stronger, it will take you a lower dosage to reach 3rd plat than with HBr

Dr. Anon 22/11/19(Sat)17:21 No. 14288

Maybe it's one of the better syzzups out there, but I don't recommend it. Pretty nasty stuff. Get pure powder.

Dr. Anon 22/11/20(Sun)01:19 No. 14291

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DXM will straight up give you brain damage. The tips of your hands and feet will feel like they're made of lexan cubes and hurt. Don't do it.

Dr. Anon 22/11/26(Sat)14:44 No. 14300

On an occassion it is usually fine, but The reason why it can be so bad for you at high doses is people can be slow metabolizers and 600mg+ can be fine for a bunch of people where as a smaller margain could be potentially fucked up bad from that dose due to a slower breakdown of dxm/dxo. also dxm potentiates itself becasue one metabolite is a chemical that inhibits the breakdown of dxm or dxm itself (can't remember which one) which is why repeated doses are bad and can lead to psychosis/brain damage i think.

Dr. Anon 22/11/26(Sat)14:48 No. 14301

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heres an interesting post about disso and brain damage i capped from 420 a while back.

Dr. Anon 22/12/10(Sat)01:53 No. 14316

How to get psychosis.

Step 1 micro dose dxm for 7 days straight
Step 2 take large dose
Step 3 ???????

dxm extraction lol 22/12/20(Tue)22:48 No. 14320

Best way to do dxm is to get delsym cough syrup and a 2 liter bottle pour the syrup into bottle then fill with water leaving about 2 inches of space at the top. Put the lid on and shake it gently for a minute. Wait a couple hours and the dxm will sink to the bottom. Slice the bottle with a razor down to just above the sediment in the bottom to let out the water and cut the bottle off there so you have ashort tray with some water and the dxm. Then just stir up the sediment and chug it down. Most enjoyable dxm trip.

Dr. Anon 22/12/22(Thu)04:45 No. 14322

How differant is poli compared to hbr other than onset time and duration?

Dr. Anon 22/12/22(Thu)05:33 No. 14323

DXM polistyrex is about 2/3 as potent as DXM hydrobromide. Hydrobromide hits harder and faster. Polistyrex is a slow come up with longer lasting effects.

Dr. Anon 22/12/22(Thu)19:28 No. 14328

so no differants kind of euphoria or disso effects, just a smoother come up that lasts much longer? i ask this because i have never done poli but know that freebase and hbr hit much differently for me so thought maybe poli had a differant vibe/glow to it or has more of a dxo/dxm thing. anyone else thinks freebase is more euphoric and hbr is more stimmy?

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