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Dramamine Dr. Anon 21/09/24(Fri)03:10 No. 14009

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Dramamine swallowing dramamine. I said what I said and you know what I mien.
Okay I just popped 300mg of Dimenhydrinate.
Should start feeling messed up in about 30 minutes.
I've got a whole bottle left. Sitting here talking to you and b/.
Should I take more. What should I say next?

Dr. Anon 22/05/04(Wed)03:47 No. 14086

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kill yourself

Dr. Anon 22/08/28(Sun)07:34 No. 14167

I used to do that, 400mg usually when I didn't have anything else to knock my ass out of normal consciousness.
Usually it was just hours of lying there with my vision too blurred to internet, breathing manually and tired but too edgy to sleep thinking "I wish I hadn't done this"
Once I was so disoriented I legitimately thought I was living in the universe of Stephen King's Under the Dome (I had been reading it on lunch at work). That was weird but makes a semi funny story at least.
Honestly it kind of sucks ass and you're better off chugging cough syrup if you absolutely must. I'm impressed that you are coherent because I certainly fuckin wasn't and made a couple social media posts that were incomprehensible.

Dr. Anon 22/08/31(Wed)08:46 No. 14171

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It's been a few months, but I just wanted to remind you to kill yourself. Also get a job

Dr. Anon 22/12/22(Thu)05:57 No. 14325

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That's a great song.
I just popped 300mg DPH.
I actually enjoy deliriants.
I used to take Datura.
But, DPH is easier on the stomach.
Pic is the type of Datura I used to do, Datura Innoxia.

Dr. Anon 22/12/22(Thu)12:59 No. 14326

DPH makes me fucking feel sick but I can't puke because it's an anti-nausea drug.

Dr. Anon 22/12/22(Thu)18:04 No. 14327

What's datura like?

Dr. Anon 23/01/01(Sun)16:26 No. 14333

Datura makes you see demons and ghosts and stuff. You feel like you're dying.

Dr. Anon 23/01/01(Sun)19:14 No. 14335

Why is it that the pharma extacted alkaloids don't live up to the actual plant? Scoplamine is said to be like a natural analoge of dph. I dont think i have ever heard of people smoking phamtom cigs or seeing spiders/hatman/deadgrandma on isolated alkaloids of tropanes.

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