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Dr. Anon 21/06/12(Sat)06:23 No. 13965

File 162347182017.jpg - (588.62KB , 1600x912 , IMG_20210611_201947.jpg )

Did unexpected acid tonight. I have to work tomorrow. This should be interesting!

Dr. Anon 21/07/05(Mon)04:33 No. 13972

File 162545238117.jpg - (373.24KB , 1600x912 , IMG_20210628_162742.jpg )

Another night, more surprise acid.

Dr. Anon 21/07/06(Tue)04:40 No. 13973

How do you even get Acid anymore? Need an IRL dealer? Fuck I can't even get shrooms.

Dr. Anon 21/07/08(Thu)17:15 No. 13974

My brother's friend is the hookup. That's gonna end though, unfortunately. Dude's moving to Hawaii.

I've never done mushrooms but I've always wanted to. The puking troubles me. Don't like to barf.

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