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LA Friends Thomas Tang 18/06/16(Sat)07:04 No. 13499

File 152912544181.jpg - (70.72KB , 600x600 , 1513911495919.jpg )

Friends in LA area, looking to meet others of similar mind in the marina or elsewhere, just moved out here and looking to make friends

Dr. Anon 19/09/20(Fri)11:26 No. 13680

File 156897161587.gif - (1.78MB , 450x258 , revulsion.gif )

Go back where you came from and take your gay little frog with you faggot.
The last thing we need are losers from all over the world coming out here to mooch off of us.

post-shitposting 21/01/12(Tue)05:27 No. 13917

what a fucking faggy guy huh?

post-shitposting 21/01/12(Tue)05:27 No. 13918

what a fucking faggy guy huh?

Dr. Anon 21/01/18(Mon)05:07 No. 13919

Marina Del Rey area?
Venice beach here

Dr. Anon 21/03/26(Fri)10:34 No. 13937

Don't you guys use my mother's fax machine to fuck kids now? Why would try to get banned that hard, OP?

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