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Long story from 10+ years ago... Anonymous 19/10/02(Wed)05:33 No. 26389 Board: /elit/ [Reply]

Anyone remember a story that was really popular about 10+ years ago about a young girl who was sent home to live with her rich uncle/relative, arriving to realize that she's actually a pleasure android whose been purchased by this rich guy?

Anonymous 19/10/04(Fri)21:50 No. 26403

Renee / Synthetic by Aplgrl, next time please use the sticky. By creating a new thread you're indirectly deleting the oldest stories on this board, and some of those old ones are really good. https://storiesonline.net/s/60167:92725/chapter-1-synthetic

Video game crossovers xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/01/08(Mon)02:46 No. 147024 Board: /vg/ [Reply]

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What makes a good crossover? For me its one that puts in the effort to really explore how two different characters interact. How the personalities or powers of different games would really work if they were to meet each other, not shit like Fortnite which is just a cosmetic, all that does is have something there, but you do nothing with it.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/02/13(Tue)11:35 No. 147046

I think that's exactly right, the more interesting their contrast in logic and themes, the better. Like Postal Dude in Undertale/Deltarune—what does the game about the divide between player and character mean with a protagonist that VALUES your control over him because it means he's no longer morally responsible for his actions? Even if Chara is still in the picture, what does that mean when Dude by himself is already partner enough?

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/06/29(Sat)04:27 No. 147238

Does the crossover makes sense? If yes, do it.
eg. Terry & Main in Street Fighter VI.

xX-An0nYm0uS-Xx 24/07/30(Tue)14:56 No. 147252

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I want Chunli in Tekken8; so she can actually speak chinese.

TF Thread 17.0 Vulpes Inculta 22/06/01(Wed)04:46 No. 28688 Board: /fur/ ID: 40cfce [Reply]

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TF Thread 16.0 has long overstayed its welcome (16/11/02), so let's make way for the long overdue TF Thread 17.0!

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Vulpes Inculta 24/11/03(Sun)02:53 No. 29213 ID: e62d29

anyone have Angrboda most recent books

Vulpes Inculta 24/11/14(Thu)15:20 No. 29222 ID: 16416b

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Vulpes Inculta 24/12/25(Wed)23:32 No. 29246 ID: 37d9e7

Merry Christmas to every TF fan still hanging out here, hope you have a happy holiday season!

RPG Scanning and Corrections Project Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)21:02 No. 122795 Board: /tg/ [Reply]

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Had some pdf troubles earlier but I think I got it mostly resolved. Had a crash and lost most I was going to say so I'll abridge it.

Planning to scan rpg books that haven't had official pdfs available. These are the books I have and I think haven't had pdfs made yet. Will try to buy the missing rpg books that people suggest as soon as I have the cash for it.

Abyss, Afterwars, Age of Ruin, Attack of the Humans, Batman- Role-Playing Game, BESM Anime Card Game, Chi-chian Roleplaying Game, Demon City Shinjuku Resource Book, El-Hazard Resource Book, Evangelion-RPG- The Descent of ANGEL & The NERV White Paper (Jap), Ghost Dog Roleplaying Game, Gregory Horror Show Card Game, Guardians of Order Ultimate Fan Guide for Fushigi Yugi #1-3/ Hellsing #2/ Parallel Dual!/ Revolutionary Girl Utena- Black Rose Collection/ Serial Experiment Lain/ The Slayers #1-3, Hahlmabrea, Heaven & Earth 2nd Edition- Game Master & Player's Guide, Link West, Silver Age Sentinels/ Champions- Reality Storm, Tenchi in Tokyo, Tenchi Muyo! GM Screen & Adventure, Tenchi Muyo! Character Diary, Tenchi Universe, The Lost World: Jurassic Park- Roleplaying Game (not actual roleplaying but it does have an Ian Malcolm card), The World of Tank Girl, Webs Basic Gaming System 1st Edition, Web of Horrors & Web of Stars, and Wyrd is Bond.

As I said some time before, you get to pick two I do for free. The others you'll get once I get certain digital pdfs released in relation to its value and verified authenticity. You have until tomorrow at 6 AM my time to decide which two is done first.

Long overdue for pdf collectors, some pdfs out there have varying quality or issues that need to be addressed and hopefully fixed. To ensure everyone is aware or has the right versions, I'm planning a checklist that goes over all available pdfs in a series to make sure they are complete or list issues that need to be fixed. I'll fix them if I have the book but many will rely on you people out there that have the books themselves to help fix these issues.

First one on list is Zero Corebook by Archangel Entertainment. 19.9mb-
PDF doesn't include Steve Stone Artwork and all images are greyscale when some pages are in color. I do have the book so I'll scan the artwork but I don't plan to do the rest of it since the pdf is okay and I'd rather focus on other books to scan. I'll scan it if there is demand and I get the appropriate payment of a digital pdf.

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Anonymous 17/08/14(Mon)04:48 No. 127978

Thank you for posting this...

Scanning Files CityofCarse 17/09/02(Sat)07:38 No. 129100


Twice I've seen this post, and so far, nothing.

What gives?


24/10/07(Mon)16:31 No. 21582 Board: /x/ [Reply]

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I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system called usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the belt
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, a sub-country. Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs or decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Mass persecution was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least from the deep web I dug up some data. In Finland, people with multiple problems are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems. Sometimes their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. The whole is managed pretty much completely and throughout the necessary amount. Society is a brainwash and a gross exploitation facility.
So they have pretty much taken control of everything and are turning the overall picture in the direction they want as if secretly behind the scenes. Opinions are managed. Public discussion is managed. People are controlled. Even this arrangement in society makes it impossible to hear gravel sounds. There are very few awakened people and they are actively tried to be silenced or even killed.
Isn't that pretty cool? However, this is true and for the most part in the wa Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

24/11/12(Tue)11:17 No. 21608

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Hatchet Anon Kalashnikov 13/03/19(Tue)07:49 No. 14620 Board: /w/ [Reply]

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I haven't found any laws regulating the carrying of hatchets on your person in Texas. I may start doing this. Any thoughts other than that OP is a pretentious wanker?

I'm just bitter because I can't carry my OKC-3S.

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Anon Kalashnikov 22/09/01(Thu)11:32 No. 15650

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Axe and you shall receive

Anon Kalashnikov 22/11/28(Mon)18:13 No. 15678

That was abolished years ago, years before this thread.

Anon Kalashnikov 23/03/15(Wed)14:14 No. 15686

>my OKC-3S

The Chimera Fighter is better.

Zed 17/08/09(Wed)02:39 No. 12136 Board: /pco/ [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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Star VS the forces of sexual tension.

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Anonymous 20/11/27(Fri)15:26 No. 15198

Can we unpin this comic. It's dead and the second chapter isn't coming for a while, kinda stupid to make it the first thing you see when you come here.

Zed 20/12/05(Sat)17:33 No. 15219


Anonymous 24/05/15(Wed)07:50 No. 17236

do we have a thread for area's other arts?
8muses deactivated their forums

Anonymous 23/11/18(Sat)21:39 No. 11290 Board: /7ch/ [Reply]

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Make an /i/nvasion board

Anonymous ## Admin ## 23/11/18(Sat)22:08 No. 11291

Long, long ago, that was one of the more prominent boards here. It was also far and away the source of most of the legal and hosting issues we had. If you look around you will find some chans that still have an /i/ but they tend to go up and down.

TNA pics Anonymous 16/08/06(Sat)20:11 No. 57654 Board: /h/ [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

Starting a new thread here far away of the toxicity from a certain board. Pics from HTNA, narutobomb and others from the artists, including patreon.


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Best159 17/01/15(Sun)10:36 No. 58539


Anonymous 20/04/05(Sun)13:07 No. 59242


946554 20/09/20(Sun)06:04 No. 59379


The Lying Escort A pissed off guy 15/03/08(Sun)23:35 No. 2554 Board: /jew/ [Reply]

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So you guys are going to love this one. I called up a hooker for the first time to see what kind of shit I could get myself into. Except, I actually ended up in big shit and had a shit time. She comes down for our meeting 15 minutes late saying she's tired which yeah I can understand but then we get upstairs and it's "wait 5 minutes i'm tired" then we get into it I pay this degenerate 80 pounds (roughly 140 us bucks) for 1 hour and shes already way behind on time, So I get it up and start fucking then I ask her to go on top and she's like nah. Blowjob? Nah. too tired. So not only does she fuck me over, She said in her ad she was completely shaving and the thing was a fucking bush. Then there is her pictures which were either outdated completely or just photoshopped to fuck AND her fucking breath stank! Wtf! I can't imagine how many poor bastards this skank has screwed over. I left early without my money telling her to prepare for a shit review. Then I have her mobile number so maybe I should just give it out? Thoughts on this?

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Modern Mom 17/05/05(Fri)12:19 No. 3006

almost 2 years later and no phone number, OP you are a waste.

Apol+Dase 21/10/23(Sat)09:30 No. 3570

Maybe you should end this lifestyle and start a serious relationship? Why don't you want to find a good girl who will love you and satisfy all your needs. If you find it difficult to start a new relationship, useful tips on this site https://breakupangels.com/dealing-with-divorce-stress/ will help you. I am sure that you can find your love and it will make you happy.

Modern Mom 24/11/30(Sat)07:39 No. 4167

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Be independent

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