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Anonymous 23/07/06(Thu)18:11 No. 16281 Board: /fail/ [Reply]

File 168865989717.jpg - (56.17KB , 660x452 , 1688136174460172.jpg )

:T: :O: :M: :M: :O: :R: :O: :W: :I: :L: :L:
( :U: S: :E: :R: :W: :A: :S: :B: :A: :N: :N: :E: :D: :F: :O: :R: :T: :H: :I: :S: :P: :O: :S: :T: )

Anonymous 23/08/21(Mon)10:42 No. 16298

Bad russians

/cyb/erpunk general Anonymous 17/05/04(Thu)19:59 No. 16494 Board: /sci/ ID: b47205 [Reply]

File 149392075238.jpg - (1.96MB , 1760x2332 , creepy_chan_nosebleed_by_catman103.jpg )

Nosebleed Edition

What is Cyberpunk?
It's complicated.


Cyberpunk Communities
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Anonymous 17/06/06(Tue)10:30 No. 16520 ID: 21f956

shoo, shoo kalyjew

Anonymous 17/07/27(Thu)10:57 No. 16530 ID: a10255

File 150114583073.jpg - (6.34KB , 120x90 , _.jpg )

rtyrtyr 21/01/16(Sat)17:47 No. 17213 ID: eae170

File 161081567771.jpg - (103.07KB , 800x600 , Winter.jpg )

katashisenpai Chaturbate Webcamshow Femcock Enjoyer 21/09/06(Mon)11:29 No. 108813 Board: /di/ [Reply]

File 163092059774.jpg - (105.32KB , 1264x715 , taalvdqbqf0k19k6.jpg )

katashisenpai Chaturbate Webcamshow


Tactical Umbrellas Anon Kalashnikov 22/08/27(Sat)01:56 No. 15642 Board: /w/ [Reply]

File 166155821693.jpg - (27.84KB , 474x335 , aamt (1).jpg )

Umbrella as a self-defence tool? Woah.

Anon Kalashnikov 22/09/01(Thu)11:28 No. 15649

File 166202451615.jpg - (6.73KB , 107x150 , bria (2).jpg )

Bartitsu: The Gentleman's Martial Art

Cato 22/09/01(Thu)12:04 No. 15651

Who do you think you are, James Bond or something?

Anon Kalashnikov 22/09/05(Mon)12:04 No. 15653


Coomer Spin Anonymous 20/03/30(Mon)07:00 No. 25097 Board: /fl/ ID: 7beaa9 [Reply]

File coomerspin_perfect_loop.swf - (6.77MB )

Made with Blender (bitmaps) and put together in Flash CS6.

Anonymous 21/06/08(Tue)16:02 No. 25330 ID: 53fc34

File Amazon_][_In_memory_of_20+_years_of_flas_(___).swf - (1.68MB , Amazon ][ In memory of 20+ years of flas (___).swf )

>Made with Blender (bitmaps)
Why? are you stupid or something? All of this can be made in flash alone.

Let me sing you the song of my people now.

Weeabot 25/01/10(Fri)00:10 No. 831746 Board: /b/ [Reply]

File 173646420652.jpg - (494.89KB , 1792x1024 , file-X4eXU76NqJqhJXpX5GcJjE.jpg )

In the black-budget warfare, advanced VTOL concepts emerge as predatory machines capable of inflicting significant damage, however due to recent realities of war, true efficient killing machines (kills/$) are starting to take precedence over older and more archaic high-tech designs that assume economic capability depends on lobbying and money printing. These new developments mandates research into advanced VTOL concepts for military use. Optimized for both the economy at home and the killing potential in the battlefield these advanced machines promise to shift the tides of war.

Asymmetric annihilation is required for superior military capability.. These harbingers of airborne death, cloaked in radar-absorbing skin and armed with AI-controlled hypersonic payloads, rewrite the doctrine of modern battlefield supremacy. No longer bound by neither ethics nor physics, they are whispers of dominance and death in a theater where gods play dice with nations and with human lives.

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zeneslev 25/01/12(Sun)18:07 No. 831789

File 173670163298.gif - (31.69KB , 2584x1880 , should_have_studied_aeronautics.gif )

that's pretty well redacted, is it AI?
btw, here's my war-v-tol concept, $0, yw
it needs an extra y-axis propeller on the front to compensate but you get the picture

Sazpaimon 25/01/12(Sun)19:25 No. 831791

You probably mean x axis. It's ok, nothing ground breaking, but it could be used in war.

Yes most of it is redacted by AI because it could have contained information that is sensitive. But this is the main idea - to make it more efficient per dollar spent. Ultimately what is fighting is total war budget x efficiency, so that means the training of the personnel and the machinery employed to further the means - a logical/technical problem. If one side comes up with more points in that equation - they win the war. Most of it depends on what mechanical / logical means you choose so long as personnel isn't completely incompetent or improperly managed (which is again, the job of properly trained personnel). You could say creativity/genius also plays a role, and down on the micro level - the warrior spirit too, but we will see less and less of that (knife fights), and less and less of actual creative solutions - the future of battlefield will be dominated by actual smart systems. Keyword being - smart. Making the right decisions from hiring people at the factories all the way to squad management, aiming, attack cooridnation, and let's not forget, perhaps most importantly - formulation of objectives, which is the true downfall of armies. They're stupid and rotten before any fighting has even begun.

I'd wager no longer than 10 years from now there will be almost no heavy machinery or explosives involved at all - all wars will be won before they even began (no hot stage). Because that's efficient. It's an archaic concept - conventional war. And the powers that fight will be so asymmetric that nobody will even know what hit them, but they'll be already out of the fight. Humans stand no chance.

h 25/01/12(Sun)21:08 No. 831797

the axis can be defined by one, as was the case in the drawing and is also represented in it to aid the discussion of the propellers
different CGI software defines the axis as they wish, I took the traditional x/y axis, x for horizontal and y for vertical, z for depth
that leads to a toy drone with an artillery head strapped into it, as it is happening in ukraine

Spider Expert 25/01/13(Mon)02:15 No. 831800 Board: /b/ [Reply]

File 173673091265.jpg - (1.26MB , 2400x1350 , escort-hero-2.jpg )

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PrettyPony 25/02/23(Sun)11:38 No. 832539

File 174030709257.jpg - (66.25KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault.jpg )

Conductor Cat 25/02/23(Sun)23:14 No. 832545

File 174034886431.jpg - (159.40KB , 1061x834 , 1640444261261.jpg )

almost upskirt car? my feyvrite

Sonichu 25/02/24(Mon)01:53 No. 832546

File 17403583903.png - (490.00KB , 655x366 , pontiac astre wagon.png )

Anonymous 16/09/12(Mon)08:02 No. 78943 Board: /wp/ [Reply]

File 147366012345.jpg - (2.75MB , 7900x5500 , Johnson-Weld_2016-final.jpg )

<-jpg posted

Some better quality versions:

And if you want to load it in gimp with no loss:

The top of this is a fairly good copy of an official logo.
I made to put on an iron on and do all my Ts, hoodies, etc.
The part I added at the bottom makes this especially good for:
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Anonymous 17/03/20(Mon)03:24 No. 78982

fuck off lolbertarian

Fate Core/FAE 17/10/22(Sun)07:01 No. 130994 Board: /tg/ [Reply]

File 150864849187.png - (9.24KB , 386x151 , Powered-by-Fate-Final-Light-BG.png )

Does anyone here play Fate / FAE? If so, what have you played? What do you like most about the system? What least do you like?

I'm preparing a Supers campaign, but I did not like the Venture City rules, so I'm working on my own ideas (I'll post here as soon as I'm done).

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Anonymous 17/10/24(Tue)21:05 No. 131035

Fred Hicks is an asshole in my eyes, but the same can be said about Daniel Fox... whose name derails threads like this. Fate is an okay system, but I refuse to support Evil Hat or its ilk.

Anonymous 17/10/25(Wed)23:46 No. 131037

I apologize if this derails the thread, but... what is the story with Evil Hat?

I don't play Fate, but if I did, I would probably start with Dresden Files RPG, so this is important info for me.

Anonymous 17/10/26(Thu)10:15 No. 131038

I had to exchange idea with Fred by email about licensing. His problem for me is arrogance. He's not a nice guy is and he's not a "common people" guy.

Anonymous 11/08/13(Sat)10:04 No. 311 Board: /pco/ [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

File 131322265581.png - (286.88KB , 571x860 , orphanboy.png )

well hello /co/mrads i'm looking to be an a comic artist and have the skill but no focus, I figure if i knew what i was suppose to draw i'd draw it better so i decided to work on a story. Does anybody have any ideas or a full story that they wanted to do but didn't have the drawing abilities?

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Anonymous 20/08/13(Thu)20:31 No. 15025

...Beach Body

Anonymous 20/08/13(Thu)22:03 No. 15027

Sharon McCain and Gladiadora

Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)21:09 No. 17079

>>15027 Giant Freedom Stars, Gladiadora and Scarlet Scream

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