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I think im a gaycel Angsty Teen Girl 25/02/13(Thu)19:21 No. 25987

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>be me
>Hispanic guy
>feel like I'm one of the few "gaycel"
>admit I can be superficial, not into appearances but love big dicks
> Hope people have some brains when talking to me
>I'm good-looking, at least a 6/10
>smart, studying computer sciences in USA
>consider myself humble and kind-hearted, at least enough to not talk about this publicly or to anyone
>cultured in politics, into alternative stuff, basically someone special and no one notices (and a lot more)
>I also exercise regularly (not strong just slim clothes are M)
>my main problems
>never had a boyfriend in my life
>actively searching for 10 years since I turned 18
>into CBT, see it as a test of love by enduring pain(I'm vers)
>CBT people don't see it the same way, not many into it in the first place
>most are too far gooners and gross me out, only want me for sex
>people prefer casual and superficial sex over trying with me, even though I'm 1000 times better
>had my ideal love but he left me because of homophobia
>could bring someone from Latin America or Africa, could accept him being bi and having a girlfriend
>would be okay with him being abusive and rude (as long as he really loves me, no joke)
>feel like I'll never be an adult without a boyfriend, seriously

Angsty Teen Girl 25/02/13(Thu)20:53 No. 25989

It sounds to me like you're already an adult without a boyfriend. But you sound kind of cool, I would probably do it with you if I didn't have to have my cock and balls tortured. But I'm just average maybe slightly above average. But yeah, if you're actually a cool dude which I highly doubt, because I haven't met anyone cool in my entire life. Well maybe except a few guys who killed themselves, but yeah if I found you cool I would be bi for you. Sorry don't have advice for you.

I'm not sure what you mean by love, but if it means doing really stupid shit with me, maybe I would even fall in love with you. You know. Dangerous stuff. But you have to be cool and as I said damn anyway

Angsty Teen Girl 25/02/13(Thu)21:15 No. 25990

I dont find myself that cool, just that find curious things to do, and is not about sex...well partially I'm sexually deprived and frustrated. but I would give anything to have my boyfriend like 5 years ago living in Ukraine IDK I have faith I will meet him someday and he will be mine but I don't have that I cant see the light and so many times I've seen it and then it disappeared FUCK...would you suffer for the love of your life just to prove that you relly love him? that's cbt for me

Angsty Teen Girl 25/02/13(Thu)23:49 No. 25991

Well I mean yeah, but I'd find more interesting and productive ways than CBT. Would you be willing to exchange CBT for like endurance or just otherwise very hard physical exercises such them be?

But look, just let it be bro. I for example always wanted a special girl but I'm in an even worse predicament than you - I want a woman. It's some kind of chemistry thing - I can feel the energy coursing through their body. I can feel the voltage from a fucking distance let alone when I touch them, but women esp hot women tend to be horrible people and their whole sexuality is fucked - they want only guys that don't want them basically...

You can at least have some real lovers who care about you as a person AND be sexually totally into them. Consider yourself very lucky.

Anyhow I don't have her now and I don't feel angsty or frustrated. Partially because masturbation and the internet satisfies my sexual needs to a great extent, at least the physical ones... But also because you just have to get your priorities straight. I realized I care about friendship much more than sexuality or romance at the end of the day and you just don't force friendships. If you want a friend so bad that you can't stay still - do whatever you can to improve yourself for those future friends that you will inevitably meet. That's my best advice. And if you don't feel like doing too much, well you wasn't that desperate and anxious in the first place. Relax.

Angsty Teen Girl 25/02/14(Fri)01:46 No. 25992


thank you for stopping by, I would believe you if it wasn't for the 10-year thing that just consumes me (Alongside other things) I've had friends (but some left or partially left (not even them appreciate me enough). I try to improve other aspects of my life but you cant fly with half a plane. I know I sound negative but it is closer to valentines like of course. as gaycel I also should say, the west have fallen

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