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Teenage Girl 24/08/07(Wed)07:40 No. 25931 ID: 1b9fc6

File 172300925771.jpg - (76.63KB , 960x915 , IMG_0389.jpg )

I hate being a socially anxious subhuman strawberry man. Have zero friends, strangers and cashier give me weird looks and my father called me Robinson Crusoe the other day. I’ve airwolfed up my mind with degeneracy but imagining actually seeing and touching another persons private parts seems revolting to me. Still life is alright except my desperate cravings of social stimulation. So I’m here. Anyone can relation maturation education?

Teenage Girl 24/08/17(Sat)22:34 No. 25939 ID: 171aab

Any imageboard user can relate.
Relatively middle class louts/lassies with nothing going for them but theres nothing wrong with them.

Imo, if you whine about loneliness but you have a steady job getting you enough moolah to live a bit above your station, youre biting the divine hand that feeds you.

Teenage Girl 24/10/12(Sat)03:27 No. 25957 ID: 810565

i never realized how common this is. people hate when people talk about feeling lonely for some reason. or depressed, or mentally ill. its the most bizarre shit, and it was way more commonplace (at least i feel) to just chill and be depressed about life on imageboards instead of the coked up kind of stuff you see on social media nowadays.

Teenage Girl 24/10/15(Tue)03:06 No. 25962 ID: d9d16a

People get more offended about teens venting their frustration especially if they're socially awkward and struggling in their studies.
Yet, adults with autonomy and prospects can whine about some irrelevent sentimental nonsense and get sympathety.

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